The weird hard bumper plates at my gym weigh 5lbs each. Thanks for the question, Junior!
The weird hard bumper plates at my gym weigh 5lbs each. Thanks for the question, Junior!
Family members and friends jokingly refer to Eric Trump’s personal gym as “the pet cemetery.” a locked room that will slowly fill with Zyklon-B.
I’d say skippin’ leg and arm day, but it just looks like he’s skippin’ gym day.
I alternate the grip between reps for the same reason lol.
This is one of the worst DL attempts I’ve seen so it’s really odd to see him get the weight up. I’m somewhat surprised he didn’t hurt himself and immediately realize he tweaked his back just after the lift. His form and his build don’t fit the weight he pulled but I have to concede that he legit finished the rep.
Have you tried a mixed grip?
looking at him and his brother makes me wonder if plastic surgeons offer “chin implants” or anything that would give this guy a semblance of a chin, and what if anything could be done about his brother’s big gums/small teeth which make him look uncannily like Butthead. (I always assumed people called them Beavis and…
I am a skinny, long limbed 143 lb woman that can deadlift 352 lbs. That’s almost 2 1/2 times my bodyweight. Strength has nothing to do with size
Releasing the bar at the top would get you three red lights at pretty much every powerlifting meet in the country. Powerlifters may drop the weight while training but no one does that in a meet.
I was deadlifting 330# at a slightly doughy 165#, so I don’t have much trouble believing that lift is legit. But everything else is true.
Actually in a powerlifting competition you have to hold the bar until it’s back on the ground..
Right?! Let’s throw a couple of calf presses into the mix there, DJ.
Someone has been missing ALL the leg days.
Yes, he didnt complete it so its only half of a dead-lift, if we can even call it that.
I thought the same thing, but of course he can’t finish a damn thing he starts, he’s a Trump after all. His dad won’t finish a term in office, and this chump has to dump the bar (a huge offense at the gym I go to) because he hasn’t trained his grip (or anything else) to handle the weight.
I want a universal gym rule that says, “if it’s done with bad form, it’s a mistake not a PR.” Like his daddy, he earned a * by that number.
F’in Crossfit folks (and I was one) love to do that. It’s stupid, lazy, loud, dangerous, only works with the expensive rubber weights, and damages the equipment.