Ignoring the racist undertones of this post, I agree that Candace Owens is an attention whoring troll.
Ignoring the racist undertones of this post, I agree that Candace Owens is an attention whoring troll.
...Soooo, you just came here and left a comment without even reading the article, huh? In your case this might be a reading comprehension issue, so I’ll cut you some slack.
No, actually racism still exists because wypipo keep systematically perpetuating it, not because black people are talking about it.
^Wypipo alert!
That’s not what racism means? OK. Let’s take this back to grade school. What does the suffix “ism” mean, sir?
...Where did these “racial slur rules” come from? Who invented these? White people who want desperately to be victims now?
The word “hotep” means peace. The word “wypipo” means entitled white asshole brat.
...Please stop it wypipo.
Key term, “can be”. Important distinction: “often aren’t”. MALES definitely do over 90% of the raping, globally. That unique reality should be addressed. And men need to be worried about being raped by other MEN (straight or gay).
Hmmm, seems like you have reading comprehension skills, and/or are extremely dim witted. What you stated about how words effect whites vs. blacks is LITERALLY the point of the entire article. You missed the tongue in cheek nature of it. Because you’re retarded.
Um...black women were also lynched. This is precisely the problem.
...She also “paid good money” to see this unfunny clown. Except she paid good money to be insulted, then called a bitch, told to “sit her ass down”, and then be removed.
Brahhhh, I’m pretty sure a “fuckboy” includes the ‘womanizer’ type, hence the word ‘fuck’. Not so sure about Vanity Fair’s confused definition, but this is mostly how I’ve heard the term used by myself and other black people (I am black).