
he looks like grandpa bear to me. Just old and wants to chill. Huge bear

My junior year in high school, my English/literature class read The Metamorphosis. We were supposed to put on a skit about it, which in retrospect is kinda ridiculous, but whatever. Anyhow, my group did “James Joyce’s The Metamorphosis,” in which Gregor was turned into a giant penis.

“Nah he just got his bell rung a bit.”

I like how intentional grounding just cancels out a helmet to helmet tackle.

Trainer: What’s your name?

Maybe killing people with polonium soup gets boring after a while?

It could have been worse: “Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Annoyed at Space-X’s Elon Musk that Elon Musk’s Space-X explosion temporarily thwart’s Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg of getting everyone on Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook.”

Hm... phishing for a controversy? Zuckerberg’s post reads nothing more than “matter of fact” to me.

We got a hipster alert!

This is at the base of the Grapevine on I-5 headed North towards Bakersfield. This is a long, steep hill. Been driving that route for decades and at night you can see the trucks brakes glowing red and there’s always a stench of burning brakes in the air.

And E86 z4 coupe > E85 roadster

e85 Z4 > NB Miata

I don’t know how Gare-bear feels about him but I think Jags Guy represents all of us as we try to follow this year’s election.

Bearspin needs to be a thing, nothing but a sub-blog of bear videos

Haven't seen a car fucked like that since Ralph Nader screwed the corvair.

You do know that that is how you’re supposed to drive.

It’ll pay off when you can say “I haven’t had an accident in 20 years.” And you get into an unconscious rhythm after awhile when it comes to checking mirrors.

You don’t really have to triple check, just check the mirrors and look to the side, use your turn signal,

You’re going to have to get past thinking California’s rules of the road should conform to the ones of whatever state you came from. If you’re too nervous to drive safely here...then don’t.


because those industries are still growing, where our domestic (and even international) air travel is just looking for more and more ways to cut costs.

Highray To The Danger Zone