
Im confused, 1 ton isn’t very much. My Subaru baja is rated for 2000 lbs & thats pretty much a car!

Whats more entertaining is the shit this guys having to come up with to kill time while nothing happens

Thats how we do it here in 'merica

This. I was stupid enough to buy an allroad. Evem though everyome told me not to, i didnt listen. Let me explain though, I love wagons. Especially lifted wagons. All I had to do was put a decent set of all terrains on it & it went EVERYWHERE... When it ran. I got rid of it soon after the airbags, air compressor, &

Jason, only a person with a writing style such as yours, could create an article about the most common dents on one of the most common cars, and actually keep it somewhat interesting. A tip of the hat to you sir! Keep it up!

The consistent need to be liked by everyone?

This is literally the only positive thing I’ve heard about the Olympics this year

I would agree with some of this. New BMW engines are shit. It’s their older engines that are reliable. My 525i, hands down has been the most reliable car I’ve ever owned. I’ve put over 80k miles on it (currently at 230k) and I’ve only had to do typical maintenance to it. I love BMW’s. I'm a HUGE BMW fan, but I’ll

I unfortunately know that feeling before someone hits you, its more of a “fuck, this is probably gonna hurt”

Don’t get me wrong, I love project cars. They’re fun, frustrating, exciting, and terribly amazing. But holy shit dude. You literally managed to find THE worst 3000gt vr4. That whole fuel pump wiring situation was terrifying.

Latinos watch NASCAR??

I worked for dodge for 6 months (after being a BMW tech) and will confirm that the journey is almost the biggest POS I have ever seen. It’s a veeery close second behind the Jeep Cherokee.

My parents used to be the people who would get the cheapest shit they could find, until they bought their 135is. I told them to spend the extra money for the bridgestones that were on it before, and as soon as she got into the car after putting some shitty kumho all seasons on it, she had realized that she made a HUGE

I want to say yes so badly to this question, but I drive (& love driving) a BMW. But I’m not an asshole! So really I would be stuck in some self hate/confusion paradox if I did.

I couldn’t get through the video. It was much too painful to watch. Not because of the damage to the car, but because of the complete ignorance that the driver has.

I don’t know if I could deal with anti-lag like that a DD. I mean it would sure piss off my neighbors (which I love to do) but still

Right?? I hated having to replace the batteri in my allroad. Its in such an awkward place!

Every accident ive been in (other than one very stupid mistake) wasnt preventable. I was either at a complete stop or just started moving through an intersection at a green light. Some argue that the one at the intersection was preventable, but when the other driver was completely geeked out of his mind on meth &

This is why when i drive, i think that almost everyone on the road is a complete moron and have to drive very defensively. Which where i live is unfortunately true. Been rear ended 3 times & t boned once, all 4 drivers were either illegal aliens, a tweaker meth head or both, who had no license or insurance.

This. This is an amazing idea.