
If this was my series I’d probably call it ‘Shit my kids like that I don’t always get’ but that’s just me. Your title is good.

And who also wrote and performed the quintessential sad-outcast-teen-girl anthem “At Seventeen”

I didn’t recognize the name Jeremy Sisto and I kind of hoped they meant Justin Walker.  Christian I could picture as a Jack Dawson, Elton not so much.

Charlie Bucket or Hyacinth ‘BooKay’?

Blast from the Past is one of my top-five favorite rom-coms. (and at least in my top say 20 favorite movies, period.)

It sounds like they were trying to a weird spoof on David’s “I like the wine, not the label” speech from Schitt’s Creek.

My cousin and I, at the age of 11, had a ball making a list of all the reasons we shouldn’t have been allowed to watch that movie.

At least you were 8 when you cried at this scene. I was a grown woman in her 20s (mind you, when I cried at it, I had two small children around the same age as Tommy and Dil, so do with that information what you will).

An Inside Out sequel would also need an emotion called “Angst”, assuming Riley would be in her teens.

I saw them 2-3 years ago, and I thought they were amazing.

Written like a dude who has never listened to Blondie in his life. Probably because it’s “Chick Music”.

Line or rack dry heavier items (jeans, fleece sweaters), as they’ll take the longest to dry in the dryer.

Simpsons did it.

People who want to see some actual change, and not just the regular conservative/liberal merry-go-round.

No, it’s not. We’re not a two party system.

I read that line as sarcasm, my apologies.

What’s wrong with Singh?

They COULD go with the NDP.  

He wasn’t a dumb teen.  He was pushing 30.  A grown-ass man.

Why not Singh?  NDP has a better shot than the Green Party.