
I watched season one of Miracle Workers and was, for the most part, unimpressed and ready to give up on it. I’m so, so glad I didn’t, because season two was just fantastic, and made much better use of a great cast.

So glad I wasn’t the only one.

“Bills.. Bills... Bills... Why do we keep getting Bill’s mail?”

And once again, my inability to differentiate Jerry Lewis and Jerry Lee Lewis bites me in the ass.  “He got cancelled because he married his 14-year-old cousin!”. No, Steve. Wrong Jerry.

I don’t have a specific one-time memory.. my dad is just a really great guy. He was known all around my hometown as ‘that smiley guy’ because he’s generally friendly towards everyone. It’s rare for my dad to seriously dislike people, and as far as I know, most people like him. He always made sure that my sister and I

I need to make a correction. Britain abolished the slave trade in 1807, and slavery itself in 1834. Beyond that I think the point still stands.

Technically, you’re right (Only in that it may not have happened when it did). That said, the British abolished slavery in 1807. So if the US hadn’t gained their independence, Black people in what would have still been British territory would have gained their freedom a good 55 years earlier.

All of my love for Jack-Jack Attack.

Now playing

Does anyone remember the cut someone made that left out all the ‘emotions’ scenes and just made it about Riley? That tore me apart.

Bing Bong was the only scene where I wasn’t emotionally shattered. This movie came out right as my kids (both girls) were around the same age, so all I could think of was my kids feeling the same way. It wrecked me (I had the same reaction reading Ramona the Pest around the time my youngest was five).

I hate his facial hair.. it always looks like we’re dealing with some kind of ‘Alternate Timeline Evil Trudeau’.

The second that Trump got voted in, Trudeau should have been making moves to secure Canada’s ability to maintain our economy without (or, with far less) dependence on the US.

Fun fact: I labored for years under the impression that the villain was played by Dennis Hopper.. because, well.  Hopper.

Shark Tale was absolutely hot garbage.

I had two girls in their early teens when Inside Out came out and I tell you, that movie friggin KILLED me, because I was just fresh out of that pre-adolescent phase. I bawled so much.

I knew Queen of the Damned was a terrible movie when my favorite part of the whole film was the 5 second Jonathan Davis cameo that they gave him for writing the soundtrack.

If you can’t tell the difference between Christian Bale and Christian Slater, I can’t take you seriously as a reviewer.

Empire Records:
“I don’t have to explain my art to you, Warren.”
“Because it would hurt a lot.”
“Does Axl have a jack?”

I can’t see the word ‘fragile’ without saying ‘Frageeeelay, Must be Italian.”