
For some stupid reason I can’t post pictures, but I had one big Eddie Vedder poster that lived over my bed for reasons, plus about a billion pages ripped out of Circus and Hit Parader. My parents were NOT pleased the day I took them all down (I was switching bedrooms) and took most of the paint and some of the drywall

Ordered my tickets yesterday.  Had tickets to their last tour that hit Toronto only to be faced with a big stupid death-blizzard that prevented me from making the drive.  At least this year the Toronto date is in May, so that slightly lessens the chance of being snowed in.

For some reason I thought Lorna Doom was one of the lesser-known X-Men.

seconded.. sure you might need 15 of them (Source: I needed 15 boxes for books the last time I moved) but it keeps them in a reasonable weight range.

Promises was a pretty awesome track.  I’d listen to covers of it all day.

I have heard of one, count ‘em one of these bands.  Dwayne Gretzsky, I am familiar with.

This may be petty but:

If you want to see a plethora of terrible, terrible wigs, check out the CBC miniseries ‘Caught’.  The wigs they used for the 70s flashback scenes are atrocious.

my main takeaway from this episode is that Murtagh is turning into a stone-cold silver fox. Definitely digging his more refined look.

Totally thought Benjamin was going to be gay.

My boyfriend and I were commenting on that scene.. that would have been a good way to get oneself killed.

I read the scene as that he literally did just go for a drive and happened by.. not that he was purposefully spying on her.

Depending on whether it’s my nick name or my given name, I’ve got either Pretty in Pink, or the nerdy chick from 90210 (Which drove me nuts because I HATED that pronounciation.. SHORT “A” FOLKS!)

This might be cheating, since the original run on the CBC ended in 2017 but I sincerely hope that everyone who caught X Company on Ovation in the US this past year loved it as much as I did.  

The only valid versions of Sleigh Ride are the instrumental and the version sung by Fozzie Bear and a snowman.

“There won’t be snow in Africa this Christmastime”

The battle of the lamp needs to be way higher, if only for the scene of the mom in the background stifling laughter as the dad tries, unsuccessfully, to put his major award back together.

No disrespect to Eartha Kitt, as hers is the original and should be revered as such, but the Good Lovelies do my personal favorite version.

I get the Faculty mixed up with Teaching Mrs. Tingle, which is odd, because if anything I should be getting Teaching Mrs. Tingle mixed up with Disturbing Behaviour, since they seem to share a lot of cast.

I’ve been watching Cheers. Some of the humour still holds up, some not so much, but man..Sam and Diane. Talk about a toxic dumpster fire of a TV couple.