
Yup, I remembered this because of the one episode where Claire assumes that Joan is Jamies kid and Jamies snaps back “Yes, because I’M the ONLY RED-HEADED MAN IN SCOTLAND”  (or something to that effect).  I laughed pretty hard at that.

Marginally, it helps a bit, but this country still gives them a platform.

I feel ‘wiener’ would also fill that role nicely.

I don’t know what it is about my country, but between DiManno, Christine Blatchford, Margaret Wente, and Barbara Amiel, we somehow manage to nuture the worst of the worst when it comes to women journalists.

I am hoping, for the next season, for more Alexis/Stevie interaction, and more David/Ted interaction (just because the scene in the Vets office where Ted is telling David how he feels about Alexis and then David eats the dog treat was HILARIOUS).

As far as I am concerned, Alexis’ character development this last season or two has been amazing.  The episode where Mutt comes back to town for the baby shower really showed how far she had come.

I dunno.. I watched it a year or two ago, and I thought it still held up, and I was leaning on adulthood when it came out.

Oh. Hell. Yes.

Raised my girls on Kim Possible. Loved every minute of it. Superglad they got an actual honest-to-god teenaged-lookin’ teen to play her, not some 23-year-old.

GOT is one of two openings that I have to watch every time. The other one is the opening from Anne with an E. It’s beautifully done, and they couldn’t have picked a better song to use.

Unless my memory escapes me, I only saw one live show this year.. I saw the Headstones in April.  I was also supposed to see the Mountain Goats in Toronto but stupid ice storm would have made travelling the 2 hours certain death.  Talk about heartbroken.

Be cautious mentioning Fiddler’s Green to a Canadian.

Yes, this. It’s a music movie, not a musical.

YES, with Annie Murphy for Supporting Actress. Hell, I love that whole cast.

You… you could probably talk me into playing a round of Robo-Wizard Quest. I’m not proud.

I watched the first season of Snatch, and while I thoroughly enjoyed it, I found it weird that he was basically playing another Ron character.

I run a Canadian Television blog and have had no less than three Road to Avonlea gifsets marked as explicit.  ROAD TO FREAKIN AVONLEA.  The most wholesome Edwardian-era family drama ever created.

I do this song at karaoke, and just opt to fake a cough at that particular part.

I smell a publicity stunt.  I feel like they’re just courting controversy.  Otherwise, why announce it?  Just quietly remove it from the playlists.

She’s currently in the Dynasty remake.