
I love your user name.  That is all.

Alias Grace should have been nominated for limited series.

He also ‘joked’ about renouncing his citizenship because Canada wouldn’t follow Bush Jr into Iraq.  

I think most of his problems with the job extended from the fact that an occupation that *should*--in theory-- help people in their time of need (insurance... because ostensibly it *should* be there when we need it--in theory) is so focused on the bottom line that he can’t actually help anyone.. and is, in fact,

This year I want less “We’ve known each other for a month and are getting married” and more “Uh.. I think we may have actually been married for the last 20 years.”

That is sad to think of.  Oh well.  It was also my parents 25th anniversary song.. and they just passed their 40th anniversary, so do with that information what you will.

Any storyline that brings back George Clooney is okay by me.

... in what universe is there anything wrong with what she is wearing? 

Other things;

I’ve found a replacement for ‘made my bum pucker’

I work in a glass office building and one day I was in the kitchen at work when a bird slammed into the window. I thought to myself “Stupid bird” and when I went to look out the window to see where he landed, I smacked my head on the glass.

no thank you, I don’t want to save money today

I’m still excited/touched by Jeff Ament’s “Gord Fucking Downie” shirt from last month.

...your favorite president.

Right? I feel like the rest of the world is really missing out sometimes.

Carter! I’ve watched most of the first season. It’s bad but in that 90's Canadian dramedy way, which means it’s entertaining, but hella hokey. (Kristian Bruun aka Donny from Orphan Black is also in it).

Me too, pal. Me too. While I’m no fan of Trudeau, I’ll still take him over ol’ Lego-Hair any day.

Except for our government when they were selling arms to Saudi Arabia.

We could start responding by.. I don’t know.. not selling arms to the Saudis.  I mean, that would be a start. 

Ezra Levant.