
Current Cat Name: Simon aka Sir Simon Milligan, Grandmaster of Funk and Evil aka Asshole.

My cat’s name is Simon, but since he’s named after a Kids in the Hall sketch, his full name is “Sir Simon Milligan, Grandmaster of Funk, and Evil.”

Wile E. Could talk in a few episodes.. He had a bit of a haughty Frasier-esque accent.


I’m appalled that the two little painfully-polite chipmunks or whatever the were were not on this list.

I try to make a point to buy a T-shirt at any concert I go to (incidentally, the bigger the band, the less likely I am to go with a t-shirt and more likely to just get a sticker or CD, but small bands, if I’ve got the money, I’ll get the shirt). I’ve gotten a fair collection over the years (unfortunately due to

Especially if you have more than three people, and one of them has IBD.

Another Canadian here:

Give me a good old Scott Thompson take on Queen Liz, any day.

While I’ve always found Love You Forever to be over-rated, there were so many other great Robert Munsch books that could have been included.  Paper Bag Princess, Murmel Murmel Murmel, The Boy in the Drawer, Thomas’s Snowsuit.. I could go on.

I think Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter series had a book about becoming a big brother.

I’ve never been what you’d call a Jimmy Eat World fan, but the Middle has a special place for me as a bit of an.. I dunno.. mantra, for lack of a better word, on really, really bad days.

Right now I’m just living for the moment that Vinson guy manages to get out of his Neck-Thing and just starts massacring people.  Probably because someone tried to hurt Abby.

Monty and (crap, I can never remember her name) decided to sit out the war and stay in the bunker, if i recall correctly.

Ontarian here and this makes me so friggin mad. People lost their shit because they didn’t bother to READ the 2015 curriculum (which was readily available), they just heard ‘Grade 1' and freaked the fuck out. If you went through the curriculum, you’d find everything was very age appropriate (for example, the grade one

Wasn’t this a thing like.. five years ago?

One of the first times I ever cooked for my boyfriend, I made home-made jambalaya. I had bragged about how good it was. Unfortunately, I managed to invert the stock-rice ratios, effectively using four cups of rice to two cups of stock. When I realized my mistake (about half-way through the cooking time) all the rice

I should have scrolled down before commenting.

Johnny Depp looks like he’s morphing into John Waters.

But what of Carter? How else will I get my fix of watching O’Connell portray the very embodiment of ‘Give me the confidence of a mediocre white man’?