
I can’t argue with that. It was infuriating, as much as I liked Luke as a dad-figure.

Maybe it’s because I only recently watched GG, around the same time I was raising a smart, somewhat awkward adolescent, but I don’t get the April hate. I thought she was a fairly refreshing take on teenage girls.


Oh Shit, I forgot Christopher Pike. ‘Weekend’ had some parts that made adolescent me blush.

I cut my teeth on Rock Star and a number of VC Andrews books.

My youngest child was almost named Reign, because I promised her dad that he could name the second kid since i named the first kid. However, since we split up before she was born I told him that I wasn’t honoring that promise since he didn’t honor that OTHER promise (that whole til death do us part thing). That’s now

I went into a Tim Hortons a couple years back and the kid behind the counter was Maverick. He was new, so his name tag read “Maverick in Training” and I thought that alone justified naming your kid Maverick.

I’m going to have “It is time, it is time for Stormi Jenner” (sung to the tune of the Pixies “Stormy Weather” for those that may not have already picked up on it) stuck in my head all day. Do I shoot myself now or later?

“it’s sixteen hundred years’ wait for cancer surgery in Canada”

Yeah, I make a point of telling people who are like “But look at how far YOU’VE come [from being a young single parent]” that I had the help of a good support system, available healthcare (without which I would be in an incredible amount of debt, or dead), geared-to-income housing, grants and scholarships... all sorts

Two AMAZING flavours, TYVM.

Fellow Ontarian here! The LCBO is a favorite spot for any kid-shilling: Air cadets, Cubs, etc. Our local hockey team also has a day where they set up a table outside the Beer Stores and do a bottle drive (basically, give US your empties and WE’LL take the money).

I have a friend who in high school would jam his finger in my morning chocolate-chip muffin, just to be a jerk. (Yes, we’re still friends, but I don’t eat muffins around him).

Oh, and screw any 100-calorie portioned snack bags that have like, 3 chips in them.

I used this somewhere else, but I think it’s fitting here:

I will always and forever adore Shirley Manson and all she does. (I took my mom to see Garbage with Blondie this summer.. it was AMAZING).

DVT’s are a bitch. I’ve had three, including one which was, to quote one of my nurses, ‘The biggest we’ve ever seen anyone survive’.

Maybe a lot of preventable diseases could be, you know, PREVENTED if more people had access to regular check-ups without having to pay through the nose for them.

So how much are your yearly charitable contributions?