
patients putting off or neglecting preventive care that winds up getting more people in hospitals for treatment

The “But, But Wait Times!” argument drives me nuts.

They can’t both win, and they probably default to the longer career.

When my kids were little I made a point of getting them kids albums by ‘Grown-up’ artists.. We had TMBG’s “Here come the ABC’s”, a Ramones cover album done by kids called “Brats on the Beat”, School House Rock Rocks” and that album of Saturday Morning Cartoons Greatest hits.

So did i

The entire list of nominees seems to be

He died.

My family used to have a trailer in a campground that we went to on weekends. There was a hall with a snackbar that for the longest time I wasn’t allowed to go to by myself (unless I was going right there and back, which was weird because park, fine.. beach, fine.. any given person’s trailer.. fine) because there were

The only artist my parents even ‘forbade’ me from listening to was Public Enemy. To this day, I’m not sure why. My best guess is that they were actually getting them mixed up with 2 Live Crew.

Is it bad that my first thought was “How John Cena spends his free time is his business?” as in, I thought the headline meants that John Cena was going to sit down and play some Duke Nukem.

I was sad when the Crazy Ones got cancelled, and then even sadder by Robin Williams’ death.

Just for clarification.. is he playing (like, performing?) or playing (Like.. hockeying?) because if it’s the latter, that’s a good opportunity for someone to take him out of any political running.

If I could give you all the stars, I would.

Re-reading Chuck Klosterman’s “I Wear the Black Hat” basically because I told my kid to pick a book for me to read from the shelf (I have a lot of un-reads and I couldn’t decide). At first, I honestly did not remember that I had owned this, let alone had ever read it. I’m partway through, and I think I get it now,

Whatever and Ever Amen is one of my favorite albums.

Crash Test Dummies had a lot of good tunes. Afternoons and Coffeespoons is my favorite. I don’t know if I’d consider them a one-hit-wonder.. two-hit, maybe. Superman Song was really popular for a while.

Thank you thank you thank you for including Blind Melon on this list. They are so very under-rated, and Galaxie is an amazing song.

I love twilight zone.

aaand I just responded to a four-year-0ld comment. Go me.

Are you also familiar with Thunderface?