
I don’t like her at all. A part of me wishes that Sophie Turner had been done on GOT. I think she would have made a great Brianna. Looks, and height-wise.

Reading the books, I did not like Marsali at first (because at first she seems SO much like her mother) but I came to love her. She’s a great no-bullshit character (She’s no Jenny, but still pretty great).

I just went to the People website to see the list and HOW THE EVERLOVING FUCK DID SAM HEUGHAN NOT EVEN RATE A MENTION AT FREAKING ALL?

Yeah. My daughter is obsessed with Rami Malek. I don’t get it. I think he’s ‘cuteish’ at best. But then again, she also likes Bandersnatch Cummerbund, and I think he looks like a lizardman.

I can think of at least a dozen sexier men offhand.. and like, OBJECTIVELY sexy.. not just “sexy according to lilmscreant’s weirdo libido”

I thought ‘active’ shooter meant that they were still armed/loose/an immediate threat

So... basically, the Ghomeshi defence? “I’m not an creep/harasser/abuser, I’m just kinky?”

Same here! I figure if I ever become famous, they’ll be able to authenticate my works by running a DNA analysis on the errant cat hairs that without fail manage to end up in the varnish.

Hey Robin Leach, you wanna buy one of my paintings for $10K?

All I know is that he puts me in mind of Kirk from Gilmore Girls.

Paul Gross has become quite the silver fox.

Her dad’s Charlie Farquharson???

I’d rather see Denis Leary talk about sexual harassment. Like, if I was forced to make a choice at gunpoint.

ahhh okay, thanks for clarifying. I thought my memory was playing tricks on me.

Oh.. apparently he lost. For some reason I thought he dropped out.

Oh damn.. why did I think he dropped out?

Am I ever glad that guy gave up the Conservative Party leadership race, even though I know it meant we ended up with Scheer. Blargh.

Figures. Which is the one area where Trudeau is actually doing the right thing.

(It drives me nuts.. I know a lot of people who can’t stand Trudeau, and frankly neither can I, but it makes me want to shake them and go “BUT YOU’RE HATING HIM FOR THE WRONG REASONS.”)

Well.. they’re not wrong. Trudeau is a liar. #electionreform #mmiw #pipelines

Instead of trying to figure out where the magical line in the sand is, just don’t have sex with drunk people.