
I feel old too, because when I first saw reference to Dunst making the Bell Jar, I thought “Yes, she’d be perfect”.. but yeah, I guess Esther is in her late teens, early 20s.. and so is Dakota Fanning.

Oh Hooray!!! That makes me happy. Thank you!

Yeesh, that dude looks like the love child of Jonathan Slavin and my ex-husband.

Just in the last few years

Ex-husband. Disturbingly enough, they were married.

I have a friend who looks like a young Chevy Chase. This picture spooks me a bit.

I have question for people in the US. What happens when you can’t pay your medical bills. Say you have emergency surgery, have no insurance coverage, and get stuck with a huge bill. You can’t pay it right away. Are there installment options? Are there fees or interest if you can’t pay right away? What are the

Okay this is a little gross.. but I had a video done of one of my colonoscopies, around the same time that my house had a sewer backup and the town had to send a little robot into the sewer line to see where the blockage was. The two videos were eerily similar.

Based on the age I was diagnosed, my kids are gonna start getting scoped at 20.

YES THIS. My cancer was caught in stage ONE because of a routine scope. The thought of having cancer wasn’t even on my radar. And at that stage, it’s ridiculously treatable.

The Canadian healthcare system is not without its flaws. People with chronic, non-life-threatening issues can wait months for certain tests and procedures. Doctor shortages are an issue, if you live in rural areas and wait times for an appointment can be long.

This fucking heartbreaking.

They don’t kiss. They just kind of bang faces together.

and I have a feeling it’s a feature, not a bug.

I see Joe Scarborough, I see the little old man from Up as a middle aged man. Also, I’m disturbed by the fact that he seems to have not so much a mouth as just a hole in his face.

Did anyone pick up on them using Ahead By A Century as they theme song? Because I was NOT expecting that.

I stash cash solely because of that scene with the debit card.

It’s not stated, but I always kind of assumed, given the creepy religiosity, that any woman ‘of child-bearing age’ *shudder* was probably fair game for handmaiding.

Lesbian/Lebanese was a joke on the Golden Girls before that, even. In speaking of one of their friends, Dorothy informs Sophia that this friend is a lesbian, and Sophia responses something along the lines of “Yeah, so what? So is Klinger from M.A.S.H.”

I honestly thought it referred to Judge Judy.