

You are my hero.

THANK YOU. That’s the name I was trying to think of... everybody in my high school wanted one of those dresses. I’m pretty sure I’m the only one in my year that wore something above the knee and not-poofy.

My kids are just a year or two shy of prom, but as far as I know, there’s not any particular dress ‘code’.. just, you know.. formal.

I’m in friggin’ Ontario (Yes, in Canada) and there’s at least one dude that drives around with a big confederate flag hanging off the back of his pickup.

I don’t have anything to add, except that I loved Smoke Signals.

I was hoping against hope that they’d somehow get Sophie Turner for Brianna.. there’s so much emphasis on her red hair and height in the books that I though she’d be perfect... she’s got the coloring and the tallness, but also some facial features that are similar enough to Catriona Balfe that she’d be a good mix of

After Trump got elected, I started keeping a stash of paper money because my mind went to that scene. I mean, not that paper money will make much difference either when Western Civilization collapses (Hell, I’m in Canada, so our polymer bills won’t even be good to burn for warmth)

Yeah.. the “Well, it’s not like when you drop gas on innocent people”..

That’s what has got me boggled.. the issue isn’t that he was bumped from his flight (well, that’s PART of the issue, because overbooking policies ARE bullshit, but its not the most horrible part), the thing that has people horrified is the fact that the guy was ASSAULTED. JFC.

When you buy a movie ticket, you are paying to see a movie. That is all.
Subtitles can reasonably be considered part of a movie experience. Never have I ever bought a movie that came with a “No Subtitle Guarantee”

that word is supposed to be accommodating. I don’t know what happened there.

Your boyfriend sounds like my boyfriend (with the exception that mine is quite accaccommodating on the sub-titles front).

If there was anything in movies and tv I could get rid of it would be whisper-shouting, especially in stuff where people are whisper-shouting with accents. Yes, Game of Thrones sound mixers, I’m talking to you. Can’t make out the dialogue half the time, but yes, lets make sure that the sound of EVERY SINGLE SWORD

This so much.

It’s the old ‘All Politicians Lie’ cliche... which is some healthy cynicism to hold onto when your candidate is promising puppies and unicorns type stuff like election reform, better relations with indigenous people, and legal pot (no embittered canadians here, nope!)

You need to check out Superstore and Schitt’s Creek.

the SO and I were trying to figure out best options to play Winston’s dad. Eddie Murphy ended up being the winner in that debate. Closest resemblance, most likely to be able to affect similar mannerisms to Winston, right age, etc.

I know a number of married-to-men women who still identify as bi or queer, but since they are monogamous, people assume they are “Straight Now.” However, the attraction to women doesn’t just magically go away once a ring is on your finger.

I think it might have been more effective if the word bisexual had been used somewhere after her and Holden got together. When the two characters met, if I recall, she makes refernece to not having dated men in a lonnnnng time—I would think identifying at that point as a lesbian would be valid. One use of the word