
I’m hearing from an anonymous source close to the issue that Ivanka has always had her heart in the right place and that she’s just a baby bird, why are you all being so hard on her, she’s just trying to do her best, and aren’t we all just trying our best? Really I’m just like all of you guys, and frankly i’m

In other words, she wants credit for supposedly trying to make her father act less racist; she just doesn’t want to actually try to make her father act less racist. That would be disloyal!

Unrelated, but this was my last nerve: CAN WE STOP with the fucking Foster Farms pop-up video every. single. goddamned. time. I try to read an article? So obnoxious.

This! And the second the White House says something against this, which you know they will, the dems need to immediately start hammering them with, “I thought you cared about working families.” “Don’t working families matter to you?” “Isn’t this one of Ivanka’s most important intiatives?” “Were you lying when you said

This is why I outsource my hotness. There’s another guy out there dealing with all of that getting hit on and managing various relationships and getting offers to star in movies. Too much work.

I can’t even deal with how beautiful she looks and I’m so glad they kept her freckles. Not that it’s a competition by any means, but I do find her much more attractive than Kate, but that’s also possibly because Meghan doesn’t have dead eyes.

This video makes me want to like this song a lot more than I actually do. Thanks for sharing!

As a former divorce attorney, I don’t understand why Jane’s answer to this question didn’t include consulting a lawyer. This is exactly the kind of stuff that has legal remedies. An advice columnist won’t be able to solve this problem; a lawyer can.

I get a LOT of parents who come to my office saying “my ex did x, y, and z and is talking shit abut me to my kids.”

She is playing the victim about valid criticisms about herself. None of those criticisms involve her assualt and almost all of them were made way before the assault even happened.

I saw that picture on Twitter with the caption “OK ladies now let’s gentrification”.

This reminds me of a friend’s defense of her friends’ support for Trump: they are not racists they just care about the deficit...ha ha ha ha ha. If you “care about the deficit”* enough to overlook this level of racism you are a racist.

I read a piece...somewhere about the distinction Trump supporters draw being being rich (like Trump) and being professional class, like a doctor or engineer. The former is viewed like you hit the lottery, through whatever combination of luck, moxie, and hard work you have on your side. The latter are viewed as the

Especially when she tags so five years ago #valentinorockstudheels.

Or everytime he says the words jobs. All of his various “smiles”. His fucking eyebrows and how they arch high and tight when he’s attempting to defend himself and/or lying.

Nitpick away. I have a whole list of trumpian tics that send me into a rage. Whenever he says or tweets the word “tough.” Whenever he makes the circle gesture with his thumb and forefinger. Whenever he talks about making a “deal.” Just a few of my ragey-nitpicks.

Huh and here I was thinking it represented The Republic of Homosexualia trying to conquer the US.

The problem arises when ww start trying to distance themselves from their whiteness-as if they’re raceless and inherently neutral. This piece, I don’t think, is not intended to tell ww not to speak out. It’s a request to center conversation and actions on the parties who are most oppressed and hurt.

Seriously? Really? Yeah all the child-free women have absolutely no family or friends or meaningful careers. They were probably just waiting to drop dead so their 50 cats could feast on them anyway.