
Sorry for this rant, but my God, I am SO SICK of people treating the rust belt/Midwest like it’s THE BACKBONE OF AMERICA and more important than people in liberal and/or big cities. This is 2016, not 1950. These people spent decades voting for policies and candidates who defunded education and sent jobs overseas, and

I’ve seen a lot of online posts saying that we need to work to understand the “Trump voter.” That liberal elitism prevented us from seeing/reaching the scared middle-American who saw their way of life slipping away. But, seriously, fuck that nonsense. I grew up in a small Alaskan town and I got out. I’ve gone back

Especially New York. He can’t handle that “his city” hates his horrible self.

It KILLS him that she slaughtered his fat ass in California and NY.

I’d like to start a gofundme campaign to raise money for daily full page ads in the NY Times and WaPo that simply state:

Pretty fucking shady

I mean, to get a deduction you have to have spent the money in the first place. So it really only benefits the people who could afford childcare in the first place.

She’s the mirror universe version of Gwyneth Paltrow.

What the fuck is this about deducting daycare expenses from taxes? I already do that. What the fuck is he playing at.

He surrounds himself with the devastatingly incompetent, the homicidally bigoted, people celebrated by literal Nazis, he lost the popular vote, he runs crying to mommy at the slightest rebuke from anyone, continues to conduct business while receiving top secret briefings, wants to wipe out overtime pay laws, has his

“Cognitive dissonance”? Save your elitist words and concepts for your safe space, librul. I’m too economically anxious to deal with you right now. I’m waiting for Trump to open up the coal mine again and give me my job back.

(/s, obviously)

No muppet! No muppet! You’re the muppet!

I feel as bad for coal miners who lost their jobs as I do for whalebone-corset makers. And I feel equally as sure that those jobs aren’t coming back, and no rotting sweet potato in the White House is going to change that.

i was a supporter on the conference call. he reminded us of how good he is at organizing. after a much needed vacay, he will be fired up & ready to go again. he wants to build a new generation of political leaders and work on Dem grassroots. he’s not done.

Guys. We need to not work with this man. We need to resist him on everything. Meeting Trump on ANY issue legitimizes him on EVERY issue. The more we make him look like a politician who can successfully work our system, the more we signal that white racism has a place in American political discouse. @SamAdlerBell has

It really makes you appreciate the situation we’re in when you’re actually hoping for Mitt Romney.

I thought the first was the destruction of his Hollywood star.

It kind of makes me feel like our parents are getting divorced, Obama’s our real dad, and we have to go live with our drunk, grabby, step-dad. Real dad is trying to make us feel better about it, but we know step-dad is going to get trashed and hit on our under-age best friend. And by that, I mean round up muslims and

Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.