
I’m not getting married right yet but similar question? We’re not having kids. I’m a lawyer and have published articles using my maiden name. But I’ve never liked my last name? It’s not a great sound? It’s fine and I was never made fun of, but it’s not a pleasant sounding name. It’s also a W name and I always hated

Granted, I don’t practice family law in New York (just in CA) but a clause like that in a prenup here wouldn’t be enforceable.

I’m not going to respond to you and un-grey you, but again, this is clearly an analogy: “a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.”

Is anyone arguing that Weinstein and CK should be punished identically?

Was quite literally just about to make this exact joke.

No. The hair fluffing incident happened on September 15, 2016. We knew then. We all knew.

Also the quotation marks. Donald Trump wants people to say “Thank you America”?

The thing I never get about this line of attack is like.... why? Why on earth would these kids care about gun control if not for exactly what they’re saying? They don’t want to get shot. The converse—why do people fight against gun control—is very simple. Sell more guns. Money. “Protecting yourself”

He thinks everyone knows LESS than he does. See Exhibit A: “Nobody knew healthcare was so complicated!”

Wow that second picture.... YIKES do the look related

This is ridiculous. What if 40 years down the road YOU cheat? or YOU want out? What if the other person is perfectly fine and YOU muck it up. Stuff happens. Life is long and complicated.

I actually don’t mind Chicago. Can’t stand Stormi. If London, Paris, Dallas, Ireland, Dakota, Holland, etc can be names, why not Chicago? I understand they’re calling her Chi (pronounced “Shy” like “Chi-town”). Seems fine?

Anyone else start singing “Stormy Weather” every time the kid’s name is mentioned?

I think this is probably true but I also think they’re marketing to different audiences. Conservatives have a captive audience with Faux News and whatnot. The viewers I think are less likely to weigh nuances—they just want to hate liberals. Liberals are at a disadvantage because the constitutes (I think anyway) are

Further counterpoint—Gibson was a movie star and likely a great many people either don’t know about the incident, or are too warm to him to care. Do people care about Harvey Weinstein? People might love his movies but have no idea he was behind them. Gibson was a FACE. I’m not defending Gibson or his resurgence,

The reason why we still have it is because we’d need a constitutional amendment to change it—and the shitty racist states will never agree to that because they’ll lose power.

““the least racist person you have ever interviewed.”

Especially when the Pentagon says “fuck you” to a REPUBLICAN president...

RIGHT? I do not not not not understand this argument “Well, but Bill Clinton!” Erm. K? I guess you could call for him to resign doing whatever it is he’s doing right now? But it’s not politics. It’s like saying, well, we (republicans) can totally be shitty to black people because in like 1700, some democrats

He was impeached. If you think he’s a rapist, find out if there’s a statute of limitations on rape in the location in which he is alleged to have committed that crime. If the SOL hasn’t lapsed, by all means, write letters to the DA to prosecute. All that said, he’s not in office now. I wouldn’t vote for him today if