
Surprise. Ramsay only planned for Jon's troops— had he known the Vale would be there the Boltons could have strategized for them too and the battle would be more evenly-matched— and thus they could still be defeated. Sansa also knew Ramsay in a way Jon didn't; she didn't really trust Jon to win. She won that battle.

Haha I grew up a few miles from Quincy, maybe he just reminds me of people from the area that I don't like

I kind of stopped with Doughboys. It doesn't compel me unless I like the guest and I find the Spoonman to be mostly unlikable (harsh opinion, I know, don't hate me).

Probably hiding in the jungle cuz he looks like a bear with all that hair!

Brienne, forget Jaime. Tormund is all about you, Jaime is still all up Cersei's backside, and you're too badass to be with some emotionally stunted pretty boy. Go for the viking warrior. Throw him over your shoulder and drag him to Tarth and make giant babies and let yourself be sexually/emotionally/romantically

this dinghy is still bobbing along

"it's common for people to comment on women they find attractive"

Not to continue the beating, but the sexism lies in that anything a woman does publicly is always (ALWAYS) accompanied by an evaluation of her looks. No exception. It's not about tearing women down because "hurr they suck" it's about the societal reflex of objectification.

I was just waiiiting for Fabrice Fabrice to show up, and lo and behold he did. Agreed that I wish Claudia had a little more space to breathe, but Kroll is always on point and Andy Samberg was laughing himself silly which was fun.

I think? I'm still having trouble with logistics. Or did they all retreat to Hardhome?

honestly? no lol

I am terribly disappointed in how this show has handled Jaime, especially in light of the preview…

Definitely one of my "comfort shows", like Bob's Burgers and Arrested Development that I throw on when I need some cheering up. The 3rd season is just excellent.

I miss the skinny scarves so much.

1/10 women will fall in love with a Patrick Dempsey in their lifetime. Play it smart and use protection every single time to yourself from Patrick Dempseys.

"i never realized how food-based I was… i mean it's right i just never noticed before…"

"Ice cream's too cold" delivery from Sean wrecked me, along with Tom's low chuckle in the back.

This is the kind of content I like to see

100% here for this

O shit