
Virgil isn’t...

Can I ask how you feel now?

“the doctor reveals my blood pressure is 420 over 69. i hoot & holler outta the building while a bunch of losers try to tell me that im dying” 

The pilot was great! Very Amy Sherman-Palladino. The lead actress was excellent. Will definitely be watching!

I adore this podcast. I’ve been following ONTD for about 10 years and this is like all those years of ONTD comments and minor-celeb-gossip mindset distilled into podcast form. Not for everyone, surely, but perfect for people like myself.

I have such a massive crush on Lakeith Stanfield

Love those boys

Testing.... hello

Wiger needs to go on Chapo.

Yeah, fuck South Park. Reminds me of my favorite @dril tweet: the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"

The Chapo thinkpieces coming out last week were interesting to read; I wonder how much of a profile the pod has in the media in general.

Nobody wants a bee as a gift.

Eh it's kind of its own thing. It takes a few episodes to click, but I would start with all the Tom Scharpling episodes starting from episode 91. He goes from decidedly NOT on board to extremely on board by his 4th guest appearance. Very, very funny stuff and will give you a good taste of the sweetie boys' humor.

Hollywood Handbook was excellent. Sam's story about Cody and the World Series tickets cracked everybody up, especially me.

Kevin: "Sure"

Still playing Witcher 3. I'm slowly advancing through the plot, though making decisions feels really risky because I don't want to end up with Ciri dead or miserable (even though I haven't met her yet…)

So I'm still playing Witcher 3, and ohhh boy is this game good. I've made it to Novigrad and am trying to find various friends— sidequests sidequests sidequests of course— and WOW. I've never experienced a video game city that's felt so expansive and alive. It's absolutely overwhelming— I'm constantly led to new areas

So I caved and bought Witcher 3. I'm still in White Orchard, playing on "Blood and Broken Bones" difficulty which is rare for me as I don't care for difficult combat in games. So far it's pretty fun— gearing up to beat the Griffin, blasting through side quests and still trying to get a hang of using spells and

Hollywood Handbook rules.

Bye bitch