
The whole Dorne/Quentyn/Aegon plotline was so obviously a way for George to spin plates until Dany shows up. Shoehorned in during the "5-year-gap" debacle, and obviously much of it is disposable and—ultimately— boring,especially when none of it will ultimately effect the ending of the story.

I really loved her look of relief and half-skip of excitement when she found out she wouldn't be marrying Joffrey. It was so nice to finally see Sansa be a teenage girl. IMO the showrunners aren't very good at showing Sansa's internal life— she's been the exposition horse for this series for a long time.

Annnd I'm already lowkey shipping Sansa and Pod. Girl deserves at least SOMEONE to be nice to her, and Pod is a sweet guy who seems pretty emotionally intelligent. Also he is… uh… "talented" in ways that, as a fellow lady, I find appealing.

Those Dothraki conversations cracked me up.

Ew @ this commnt

Glad to hear! I'm a big fan. I take 2+ hour long walks home from work some days and listening to this makes it fly right by,

Thinking Sideways has some good crime-based episodes.

Ha—- didn't even think of the recurring bit…

Agreed re: HH. I'm not a fan of live episodes for anything, really, but it's always fun to hear Tom.

You don't belong here lol

Yes, really loved the Broad City vibes. It's nice to see that kind of letting-go and having fun; we really haven't seen Hannah do something like that since… "Bad Friend"? She's been so bogged down by friend/boyfriend/work drama.

I loved these episodes. The Jenny Slate scenes felt so true-to-life—- reluctantly hanging out with someone and finding out they're actually really fun. Totally got Broad City with the "feeling myself" dance scene, and Tally was really honest with Hannah in that way people can sometimes struggle with in a long-term

I agree, although Tom & Scott talking about their dogs was pretty funny.

I don't see how they were ban worthy. He definitely deleted his own comment.

"You have to be inside the shoe"

Corker corker corker of an episode for Comedy Bang Bang today, one I'm sure will not be at all divisive.

So satisfying. I loved Janice as a character.

You got it re:his modesty. He dreams about riding around on his bike, and got Yankees coasters from Ringo for Christmas. Lennon is hilariously mundane.

My eyes just turned into big, googly hearts and a rainbow came out of my mouth at the thought of that Top 3. Any of them would make a GREAT winner, though I'm personally pulling for Chi Chi.

I thought I was gonna hate it, but Cameron did a very-far-away Beetlejuice impression and I laughed pretty hard.