
Whenever he talks about his guitar with the skeleton-finger whammy bar I lose it.

This is where I'm so conflicted… no one should have people in their life speak to them the way Fran did to Hannah (he really was putting her down), but Hannah's behavior was grossly inappropriate. I said "what is wrong with her?!" out loud during that scene.

"You're going to get murdered one day"

Same… and that the "true destined leader" and "savior" of the hyper-powerful Bene Gesserit is… a man. Gave me Manson-y vibes tbh.

It would make WAY more sense if it were called Rocktober.

idk about drag, but in girl-makeup terms it's a pretty high end brand that will cost you a pretty penny @ Sephora but is primarily known for their eyebrow stuff. I use their eyebrow powder, brushes and highlighting sticks and they're pretty freakin' great.

Bob is at LEAST Top 3… I'd say it's her, Kim and someone else (possibly Thorgy if she kills it post-Snatch Game). I'm betting on Kim for the winner, Chi Chi for Miss Congeniality, and Bob as having the craziest career post-S8 since everyone loves ha.

There was another queen (never been on the show) who was speculated endlessly re:her being on the show, and when she wasn't in the RuVeal people said she faked going MIA for attention and to trick people that she was going on the show. If she ends up getting called in— a completely new person to the show— I will GAG.

I loved Ginger— I didn't watch the season while it aired, so I wasn't wrapped up in the internet anti-Ginger stuff— and her untucked moments with Katya and Kennedy were everything for me.

Kim is 100% getting the winner's edit so far. And I'm more than OK with that… if either she or Bob took home the crown, the YEAR'S SUPPLY of ANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLS Costmetics *wink*, the $100,000 I will be a happy lady.

"He's rolling away slowly… in the train"

Seconding Sean's bizarre climbing noises and his accidentally walking into a crowded place and getting too "shy" to talk anymore


They need to remove the entire "sac"—- popping a cyst is not effective, and it will keep coming back.

Late, but I spent roughly 3 hours watching her videos last night. So disgusting, yet soothing and cleansing. Their skin is so clean and pure after, haha.

thank you, I've been shat on here for defending Kim K… i'm not vapid, I just don't necessarily get the hate. Kim is a millionaire of her own making, has an incredibly successful EVERYTHING, and owns her image/sexuality. She's honestly a totally new figure in pop culture, and I think that makes people uncomfortable,

HA! Thanks for posting this— it's so true. I've had a lot of friends whose professors went from "cool" to "too-cool" to "actually-wtf-isn't-he-married-this-is-creepy-I'm-only-23-and-he's-45-with-a-family" territory super quick.

Yeah, you're right, actually. Lorelai was always… not incendiary, but something close to that. Her season 6 (?) fight with Rory just felt wrong. But Rory has a lot of Lorelai in her, so their coldness was explainable, at least. It stands in opposition to Lane/Mrs. Kim…

As someone from a different part of the country and who has not yet seen this show, this entire post is kind of a hilarious salad of acronyms.

Right? GG-era Melissa McCarthy is the best. I've actually liked a decent amount of her comedy stuff from the last few years, but nothing compares to Sookie!!