
My heart would burst into a million floating little pieces of confetti and rainbows if that happened. Mantzoukas' affinity for media whose intended audience is young women is very sweet and endearing.

It was bizarre… Luke was an absolute idiot when it came to the April situation. Why on earth did he wait to tell Lorelai?

My most-essential list, in order of importance/excitement:
1. Paris
2. Emily
3. Everyone else

I was expecting to be all about Bob (heh) but Kim Chi is my early favorite. She is hilarious on social media, too, so I already know I'll be watching her career for a while.

I was wary of Kid Detectives part 2 but man, Middleditch and Lapkus are improv superheroes. So funny.

HH was awesome this week—- the Janet Varney line had me stifling my laughter in public like a crazy person.

I think drag is fun and pretty feminist tbh. Certainly in the context of Drag Race where it's not played for laughs, and where the performers are taken 100% seriously. I personally don't love movies/tv where a man is disguised as a lady and his femininity is a bit, but this show is not that and celebrates the art of

I loved the first half of the first season of this show. Was 10000% on board, had my ships lined up, my obsession ready to go and then…. it just fell flat. It was startling how much this show turned from great to terrible, man. Now every time I check the Rumbelle tag on Tumblr out of nostalgia I'm floored how

That's basically how I feel. I love those guys too much not to see everything they're ever in.

I genuinely think HH is just the tiniest bit better with women guests than men guests. And if that makes me a bad guy, so be it.

Just looked it up after reading this comment.. WOW I forgot how obsessed I was with AFI back in the day. I haven't heard this song since middle school :O

This is late, I'm sure, but this was my parents' "Love Song" and we played it at my dad's wake. This song will always have a special place in my heart.

I would add Julie Klausner and maybe the Nicole Byer ep. Sean and Hayes are great with women guests IMO.

The Swiss Miss Eagle… he WANTS the Swiss Miss so bad but he keeps dunking it like a tea bag!

"His head is following the lights of the cars going by and he's pawing at the window like it's a bug he can catch"

Loved hearing the boys back together, discussing that rascal Scharpling's activities in "New York", FMK Earwolf staff, and how inefficient Brett is.

"You don't suck. People like you, they don't harbor grudges against you and want to bring you down. You will get the right job. Life will get easier."

Gil and George are so great and Chelsea played off them perfectly.

Does anyone listen to Dear Sugar Radio?

Anal play is inherently "gay" — therefore demeaning — therefore homophobic