
Yup, took me a while to learn how to slow down on building my settlement and how to hoard enough food to build a populace.

Banished is great. Hard, but great. I recommend modding it once you've built a satisfying vanilla settlement— the Colonial Charter mod is incredible.

I finished Mass Effect 2 for the first time, pretty fun stuff. Don't know if the laptop can candle ME3, though.

My contract ended, no one wants to give me a job, I have no money at all, and there's a funeral I have to go to this weekend. I'm kind of happy to go home tonight, but don't want to put up with family/friends. This month just sucked in a big, big way and is not boding well for my upcoming year of life.

Did anyone listen to today's CBB? John Lennon just gets funnier and funnier. What a treasure Mike Hanford is.

Billy Joel crashing Tom's high school graduation party had me dying, but goddamn the 9/11 Museum thing was amazing. Holy shit.

I'm a CBB devotee, but also a cord-cutter. I pretty much binge it on Netflix and have faith that the recent episodes are great.

Looking forward to it. Loved the first season.

I'm a fan. It's definitely more of a drama, and yes it's a bit navel-gazing in its upper middle-class white folk-ness, but for me it was a breeze to watch and really engaging. Lots of interesting delving in regards to queerness and what that means for different people. Tbh I don't really get the detractors, it's only

So never mind to everything I posted about last week. I got ghosted after… intimacy. And I'm pretty much going to devote myself to aggressive singlehood for the time being. I'm just not what anyone's looking for.

That's wild.

Rugby player!!! You lucky dog.

Halloween I went on a date. We met up at 6pm and ended up hanging out for 8 hours. It was honestly the best date I've ever been on— no awkward lulls, no weird revelations, just two kinda goofy kids walking around the city getting to know each other and aggressively making out in intervals throughout the night. It was

I used to live next to a park in West Philly, and one 4th of July evening I was walking home from a friend's house through said park and saw a homeless guy crouched on hands and knees, on the ground, puking.

I'm a cheeseball who loves Dear Sugar, and whenever I'm feeling like my life is a bizarre string of random, existentially unsettling events and I have no power to succeed in life, I'll read the following:

Why has there been no media about the Molasses Flood?!

This is great.

Listen to Wengert's previous appearance. He delves deep into the major Brandon content issues of our time, like the Sprite Fox wasting all that Sprite and hot dog go to bathroom.

Leatherman! Douglas! Brandon Content!

I don't think the global economy would allow for it. Likely more warfare in the Middle East, but while Southeast Asia is manufacturing everything, Russian and Chinese business moguls are buying up real estate in Manhattan, and Western monies are pouring into Dubai/Abu Dhabi/ Saudi Arabia? I just don't see it