
I loved Modern Romance, and think Aziz is such a smart, thoughtful, funny dude. I've been looking forward to this show all year! Can't wait to watch.

I don't really get open relationships either. I'm very guarded and prone to jealousy, even in FWB/"NSA" situations. If you want to fuck someone else, just break it off with me.

2 hours! I skipped around seasons 2 & 3 with their podcast, and 45 minutes was perfect. How can they go that freaking long??

Pretty sure that was Grimm's, I remember that very clearly but forgot the story. Also Rumpelstiltskin's rage at being foiled leads him to literally smash himself waist-level into the ground and tear his body in half.

Reminds me of the original Grimm's Fairy Tales, my favorite book from when I was a kid. The stories usually end happily for the hero, similar to how they're depicted in more-updated versions (Disney, storybooks etc). The final sentences, however, were reserved for the villain's punishments or deaths, which were

Oh gosh— my family is literally the Soprano family minus the mafia stuff.

I slept in a goddamn tent!! On the ground!! OUTSIDE!!!

Imagining Emily's reaction to Richard's passing is so goosebumps-inducing, Kelly Bishop will knock that out of the damn park

Team Emily, the only Gilmore Girl I ended up caring about

As soon as he pulled the tiny-door-alligator-formal-wear obstacle course I knew this episode was going to be amazing.

I've been catching up on all the Comedy Bang Bang on Netflix and this show is so freaking good. It's quickly becoming one of my "comfy background shows" a la Bob's Burgers and Gilmore Girls. It just puts me in a good mood.

Yeah, I have HBO Go with my family's shared cable package so I just watch their shows on my laptop. Already tried to make it work. Thanks, though! I'll cut that cord at some point, I'm sure.

I was at the Wall… I did a business

I will pay if I can use it on my Amazon FireStick. Love that thing, but I can't get anything Comcast or HBO on it.

I miss this show so much. The last shot of this episode in particular was beautiful.

Bad/crooked teeth. I just get so distracted, even in friends/colleagues, I want to reach in their mouths and tug 'em into the "right" place.

Dave 100%

Luke was better than Christopher …………

AAAUUUGH. Yes. I just finished watching Gilmore Girls for the first time (it came out when I was a wee little 14 year old gal and I blew it off), and have been arguing for weeks with my Gilmore-expert friends about who the best guy for Rory was. All my "Team Dean" pals make me want to bash my head against a wall. Jess

Someone in these comment sections— SL a month or two back— was talking about ketamine treatments (I think?), it was pretty interesting. Maybe browse through past comment sections on "new".