
Yeah, it was very sad and Scott was super-respectful and kind. He just seems like a great person.

Yeah, it was very sad and Scott was super-respectful and kind. He just seems like a great person.

I've had friendships that I knew were generally one-sided that I continued because I thought the other person was fascinating/interesting/fun, and assumed that would also make me fascinating/interesting/fun by joining their fascinating/interesting/fun life.

She's technically playing a refugee of Boston shitheads, a type that includes all ethnicities. Not only Irish, but also Italians! And now apparently the Vietnamese.

Yay Bojack! Though it's not a shock it got picked up.

Agreed. The writers really committed to the horror of the moment, I thought there would be some sort of fake-out, but no, Bojack really is that horrible.

I don't know who I liked better: Joe Bongo or Jimmy Bongoes. And then Jarles shows up and throws a wrench into everything! #ClassicJarles

[currently death dropping down the sidewalk]

Agreed! My actual wishlist is Bendela, Detox, Katya, Alaska, Joslyn Fox, and Adore. Anyone else is kind of interchangeable.


Crowded public transportation. I hate having to stand and bump into people. I hate when peoples' bare arms touch my own, and making eye contact, and smelling everyone's gross smells due to proximity. I hate sitting when others stand, and having crotches mere inches from my face.

I definitely felt the magic, I'll tell ya.

Never Been Kissed
9 to 5
Gone Girl
The Professional
The Royal Tenenbaums

Anyone listening to the new UTU2TM?

I loved the first act, Tig and Stephanie were pretty compelling and Scott was really funny trying to make light of stuff that is so serious and cracking them both up.

Late review: This movie wasn't great, and deserves a B-, but I freaking loved it. It dropped the attempted gravitas of the first one for the fanservice-y mission of injecting as much male stripping/Channing Tatum charm/female diversity/lack of plot as possible. And I'm all over it. The most entertained I've been at

Menzies is such a great actor— my kneejerk reaction to seeing him was disgust (still recovering from Outlander)— but he had me chuckling here.

I binged this show on Thursday in a fit of anxiety, and I loved it, really really loved it. This episode, specifically, is so great in showing adults handling a bunch of tough decisions without pained melodrama— just dealing with it. Sharon was a wreck, as she's allowed to be, but her behavior is realistic and serves

It's better on rewatch. The format is jarring, but the joke density is comparable to previous seasons and I thought it was still really really funny. The back half picked up steam in a big way.

Gee, you guys really love Community, huh?