
I think it's time for Adventure Time to start wrapping up, honestly. It's a great crew of people working there, but I think it will be good to let people get out and start pitching their own stuff a la R. Sugar & Steven Universe. Just look at animators' and storyboardists' Tumblrs etc… there's so many awesome cartoons

Bummer, but the series was great and PFT is a true gem. Hope this will give him some breathing room to continue the high quality content he's been putting out <3

I can relate; seeing Riley's memories go from Happy to Sad because of time/loss struck a pretty strong chord for me, mostly because of my Dad's death. This movie was so wonderfully executed— and the emotion panel going grey was such a great visual representation of depression.

Victor and Tiny are honestly up there in the top 5 CBB "guests" for me, every time they're on I cannot control my laughter. Hope their next episode is the Christmas special so we get some breathing space/don't get burned out, but my god… Victor describing him and Tiny flopping above the Caesar's Palace crowd and

So I got Witcher 2 in the Steam Sale this week. Hoping to sink some time into it and get an idea of what's in store for me in Witcher 3. I also REALLY want to finish Amnesia, but I get too scared when I play it lol.

We should separate it by "Comedy with boobs and football" and "comedy with tea parties and period jokes"

It bums me out how anti-women-cast-Ghostbusters a bunch of people are. The "promoting an agenda" thing… I mean, I guess, but can't it just be good and funny and nice on its own without people zoning in on an agenda? There are so many funny women finally taking their place in the comedy sphere, and we're 51% of the

Dress up like a Dracula in sunglasses who gives a shit about the world and wait outside of Earwolf studios

Yeah, it sucks that he really does need to walk on eggshells with the race issue, I hope when he gets out of office he just lets loose

It was that Glisten!

Yup. I just want to spend the next couple of months building and crafting amazing survivor compounds and establishing trade routes between them and let the caps roll in. I'm hoping there's a DLC that expands on it (I am a huge fan of the unpopular/useless Skyrim add-on Hearthfire as well as the Sims), or even mods. I

This movie is too intensely sad for me to watch ever again.

True, but I think Harris' addiction may have also played into the timetable of those eps.

No need to defend him, we all love Zouks

Guys, this news… is… 100%… bananas!

Yes! This was one of my first CDs and I would blast it on my boombox for hours. So goddamned good.

PS4, then. Halo/FPS-type games do nothing for me, generally

So I'm thinking of buying a console for the release of Fallout 4, and obviously oscillating between PS4 and XBox One. Is this a kicker for XBox? I've never played any of those games and would like to at least have spend the money well besides throwing hours into Fallout and Witcher 3.


No worries, thanks for the tips!