
I know re:LP, it's more about calorie control than nutrition right now, unfortunately.

I love all fruit, except perhaps bananas.

Trying to lose weight, so mostly Lean Pockets and hummus and lots and lots of Crystal Light. I wish I knew how skinny people become/stay skinny because my weight seems to fluctuate with the wind. I have a wedding in October, gonna be a bridesmaid and I want to lose at least 20 pounds…

This is rough. I've done this to a few people in the last couple years, my reason being that I didn't feel it was an equal friendship focus-wise. I can only put so much energy into someone else's issues or wants, and I was getting nothing back.

Same— Toy Story is the most relevant item on this list, obviously.

"Dreidl dreidl dreidl, I made it out of clay, and when it's good and ready I'll shove it through the wall!"

I've liked the interview parts better than the improv parts, personally.

Yeah it's a good week for Earwolf imo. I forgot about the Solo Bo Dos Lo, it's just plain fun listening to Scott ease up on his host persona and riff with Mr. Schwa

Last week's CBB did very little for me, Reggie just seemed bored.

Mike's endless fascination/delight with his smartphone and various pointless apps is one of my favorite running jokes in this series.

In Euripedes' version, yes, but I always read it as more ambiguous. The trope still sticks, though this version takes the glory and agency out of the sacrifice and twists it into something horrible…

Obviously, or I wouldn't be in this post.

Damn it. Shireen got Iphigenia'd.

Ha! My family had a mild obsession with "Dude Where's My Car" when it came out. We'll still trot out "and then? and then?" from time to time.

Mannnn, Degrassi made being a 13-year-old-girl during '02-'03 that much more spectacular. Whenever I would get STD's (a social disease), watch my friends get shot, fail my cheerleading tryouts, hit on my computer teacher, form a suicide pact with my bipolar boyfriend— y'know, normal stuff— I knew I could make it

Yeah, hearing about Kirkman and Garfunkel & Oates' (alleged) experiences has really soured me on CK. It doesn't seem like something someone would make up for laughs, especially since no one's officially "named names"…

I'm still hoping for Valenwood, but moving tree-cities might not be the easiest concept to nail in a game

Disneyworld DLC…

B-but the goofy Americana retro schtick!

Fallout Philadelphia: Kensington Simulator 2015