
DLC in Philly pls

I vote Denver or Vancouver.

Gilmore Girls

If any part of Dorchester is in there I'll be so excited. I spent roughly 50% of my childhood summers on the Neponset River/Quincy Bay

Agreed. I'm wondering if it's post-NV what will be the "canon" ending. I would love a couple references to Mr. House

Dat city inside Fenway park… dat old Ironsides with jet engines… dat shot of the protagonist & dog walking towards Boston from I-93 S….

No worries, you are the true superfan here.

Oh my goodness!!! I am so jealous haha. That sounds amazing. Hope it was a good show.

Just so everyone knows, a picture of Scott and Scott at a U2 concert popped up on Twitter this weekend… IT'S HAPPENING

"I'm using AOL and it won't allow me to."

Aaaaand I'm sad about Parenthood ending all over again.

This show is just tremendous. It handles gender and sexuality in such a nuanced, fair, and careful way. It's full of tropes that would have me rolling my eyes were it any other show, but the writing and direction plays out in a way that makes for a truly beautiful, dreamy, engrossing show. Sam and Caitriona deserve a

So this is late, but I have to reiterate: this show is one of the best comedy shows, probably ever. Every line of dialogue was on point and hilarious, all the characters were amazingly developed, the production was stellar… I cannot wait until this is a huge cult hit and people quote "Oh, Hello", "Pawnsylvania,"

this is a whole salad of words here

Mhm, and Michelle saying stuff like "Women need to be modest in order to prevent inflaming male desires and leading them into sin" with her abused daughters sitting RIGHT THERE…. nasty pieces of work.

Yes, very sweet.

That scene was all I ever wanted. Pack it up, Mad Men, you've reached your apex.

Did anyone else notice the "Tarth, Ser Jaime" moment? Thought it was a nice little touch, really hoping for a reunion between those two crazy kids.

They were the best, just three bros hanging out. I loved their dynamic.

"Tricia Tanaka Is Dead" might be one of my favorite episodes of Lost, but nothing can beat the utter shitshow that was "Stranger in a Strange Land". Might be my first encounter with internet fandom outrage (I was a little internet babby when Lost started airing) and the whole debacle cracked me up.