
It's so great. I was cracking up so hard at the details of Joey Tortellini's life, kinda bummed Tommy blew it up in the end, but his improv is so hilarious and impressive. I really hope they bring him back on CBB again!

Who is the best character on this show and why is is Ken?

This was a great and really thoughtful piece. One of my favorite minor relationships on the show is between Roger and Mona, they have such an easy rapport and seem to really get each other, bullshit included.

This show is/was just so good. It's the type of thing that's hard to recommend one episode because of the heavy (and awesomely effective) serialization disguised as sketch comedy, but luckily I live in Philly so showing any friend Pawnsylvania pulls them in. Thanks for the brilliant show, Mr. Kroll, I will be

I feel bad for both of them, honestly…

It's definitely a struggle, but if that's how people can successfully get into this wonderful show then good. I think (for me) it's definitely richer on a second viewing when we know so much more about characters' motivations, and nostalgia becomes pretty visceral.
The carousel monologue is definitely one of the high

Revenge can be spectacular

Ruth Diamond Phillips & Ref Jeff! I just love the randomness of the character combinations on this show and how it always seems to work out hilariously. See: Don & the Too Much Tuna guys, Nash Rickey & Niece Denise etc…

Matt Gourley is a great host and the podcast is just super-interesting in general.

I NEED that Baby Slut shirt

Yes, one of the better moments of *spoiler* my favorite episode

Yes! They only started in January so there aren't a lot of episodes, but the quality is great so far.

This and Selena were my favorite films to watch in Spanish class throughout middle school and high school. Edward James Olmos is my latin@ dad. I will happily hablo espanol with him should we ever end up in the same aeropuerto o panederia.


LOL yes, and both are from the top of the world!

This is a real C+ guest lineup for me, one of the best I've ever seen.
Ho Ho is just the awesome.

PFT so obviously loves Ho-Ho, his laughter after everything he/she/it says is really delightful

Does anyone else listen to the Dear Sugar Radio podcast? I've been reading the backlog on The Rumpus and I'm finding Cheryl Strayed's writing to be really affecting, and the podcast fits in nicely with it. I've always loved advice columns and Sugar's honesty and fairness is nice to hear.

She's the best

I'm a little more lucid than I was last night, so I'll give my thoughts here.
-The Horvaths were treated with a lot of humanity here, and I can definitely see elements of Hannah in both of her parents.
-Agreed with the reviewer that taking a breather from the characters we know (and hate) really does help the writing