
I can really see Hannah's personality in her parents now, which was fun to watch. Everything else had me rolling my eyes.

My favorite Hatchet memory is my 6th grade teacher shitting on the book with absolutely no subtlety while we were reading it (required by the school, of course).

Grieving for people I don't know doesn't happen to me a lot, but whenever it has(the popular, beautiful boy from high school comes to mind) it's an odd feeling. I so often get wrapped up in my early-20's-girl narcissism that it's easy to not be conscious of the fact that people no longer in my immediate life have,

Majora's Mask is on my list— I've never played, but have read a lot about it. Sounds like it's right up my alley. My very dark and disturbing alley.

Linebeck is one of my favorite characters from the Zelda series. He's a character type we've seen before all over entertainment, but gosh-darn-it I will never be sick of him.

The idea of time is used really effectively across the Zelda series, and repetition of the past is a really neat motif in the Link/Hero of Time monomyth. I didn't play Ocarina of Time until I was into my 20's, so my first experience with Zelda was Twilight Princess, followed by Wind Waker.

Big-bearded Catholic Sunday-school-teaching millionaire comedian with a heart of gold? Stephen Colbert, if you ever have a clone please introduce me to him. You can be the Eucharistic minister at our wedding.

Yes— being a Pokémon trainer, especially in Hoenn— would be the ideal afterlife.

Sorry, Internet, but I prefer alpaca.

I do the same thing with HTDGM… that makes the podcast hit-or-miss for me occasionally, but for the most part I have this mental canon of insane films I've never seen, each with their own absurd plot-points/scenes explained by (for the most part) Jason and June.

Barack Hussein OBAMACARE??!

Yes, it's funny. It's basically documenting their slow descent into severe mental anguish by putting themselves through this experience. It starts off pretty "snarky" but as they keep watching— and keep watching— they move from "ha ha shitty film" into "fuck we have to watch this fuck this film sucks all the joy out

This podcast was really funny. Having never seen the movie, every new specific plot detail revealed throughout the 52 episodes were really a surprise and made the movie (in my mind) sound more and more demented and bizarre. I felt bad for these guys towards the end, honestly.

nought in my haess, nought in my ton

This is very, very sweet :)

Commuting, cooking, exercising, pooping…

I'm just starting to catch up on this season, and I gotta say I did not like this show at first. C-Zar and Publizity annoyed me and I thought the spoofs were pretty shallow. (I still don't love C-Zar, though I worship at Liz G. and Liz B.'s altar)

Looks like he might be… Google shows me Aniz Ansari was born in South Carolina, as was Aziz, though I obviously can't say for sure. If that's the case tho, big ups to their family(ies?) for supporting their kids' creative careers.

My heart… :(
What a bittersweet ending for a truly lovely show. RIP Harris.

You didn't miss a joke, his brother's name is Aniz.