
Gillian is really, really hilarious, she deserves many props for her CBB appearances.

Yeah, I thought this episode was a little dull, especially compared to last week's stunner. I agree with the reviewer; Adam and Mimi-Rose's story is interesting, yes, but doesn't serve the show as a whole. The exit of Adam from Hanna's life— complete, abrupt, and absent— would make for better TV. I'd rather be

Ahahaha everyone really did adore him

"Get a loved one a car stereo for the holidays"

Same :(

Gut-wrenching. I love Harris, one of the funniest guys in Podcasting and clearly insanely talented. He had so much amazing work ahead of him, this is horrible. I feel so bad for his friends and family.

God, this is bleak. The comedy community must be hurting. As an Earwolf fan I can only imagine what his friends— not to mention his family— must be feeling.

Agreed. I think they've used him very efficiently in this show's run so far, he's rarely felt extraneous/out-of-place in a scene.

Agreed; Hannah is at a point in her life when she needs to let harmful friendships fade. Jessa's trajectory since the episode with her dad (or even her wedding) has been classic selfish emotional vampire baloney. Time to let her go.

This is definitely one of my top episodes. All of our hero's friends/acquaintances drop by and highlight their own relationship to Hannah, relationships that (imo) have been altered by Hannah's commitment to Adam and her writing. Now that she's really "dropped" both, it feels like back to square one, a fresh start. I

Playing Skyrim this weekend. I think I'll take the time to finally finish the main quest, win Skyrim for the Imperials, complete the Assasin's Guild storyline by murdering the Emperor, and imposing anarchy so my beloved Thieves' Guild can plunder and steal their way to wealth and dominance while I sit on top of both

I deleted my Facebook about 5 months ago and it feels so good, man. Very emotionally freeing.

"Potter! 10 points from Gryffindor! Now let me smooch on those eyeballs"

I actually never liked Rickman as Snape. He was to old and not bratty enough. Rickman brought too much gravitas to the role, whereas in the book Snape (and his temper) were pretty cringe-worthy. I was bummed to hear Tim Roth was offered the part first but declined for Planet of the Apes. I'd have liked to seen him

Never Been Kissed came out when I was about 8 or 9 years old, and it's the only movie I've seen 15+ times and will watch again without hesitation. It's kind of terrible, but remains the only romcom I have an unabashed love for.

Sort of on-topic, but I just received a new laptop in the mail over 3 months after my last one broke—- my work day had been extremely stressful (from one of my own glaring fuckups) and tonight I will be drinking and playing Skyrim until I pass out.

I'm just waiting for HBO to reboot Supernatural. Dean Winchester seems like he'd have as filthy a mouth as Al Swearengen and I don't want to rely on fanfiction for that, dammit.

Lol right? After J + Bey skipped Kanye's wedding to hang out in the Hamptons, he's still this obsessed?

Get a cat, loser!

Love Week? How about being original and introducing a Loneliness and Seemingly-Endless Existential Sadness Week?