
I'm just a girl with a dream who got tired of being told no!

Crazy Bus! Crazy Bus!

Hannah doing a shitty backflip over the couch to get away from her classmates was fucking hilarious. As much as Hannah annoys me I can't help but love her.

I'm not the biggest fan of their bit on Kroll Show but holy crap their CBB episode was hilarious.
"That show wasn't as good as Seinfeld right away." Aww Mulaney.

I'm so mad about how this show handled Kristina from season 5 onward. Before the whole "running for mayor" thing she was a well-balanced character who made both bad and good decisions but was pretty reasonable when it came down to the wire. Heck, her cancer storyline might be the best that Parenthood's done.
But lord,

If you haven't yet, please watch this show! Definitely in my top-10 shows last year.

Just came here to say that even though y'all rag on Zouks, my crush on him remains next-level bonkers.

Yes! I love June, she's a treasure.

Yes @ that episode of Happy Endings. It cemented my love for that show and for Adam Pally here and forever and ever amen.

I'm happy Transparent won. Soloway is doin' real good work with that show, I tell ya.

Jesus Christ, Internet!

It was a Sugar Ray album. My 9-year-old self couldn't resist Mark McGrath's frosted tips and dulcet tones.

I think Adnan is guilty.

I truly hope that pop music may someday recapture the magic of the "Uncle" craze back in the 90's.
The other 90's.

Yes! It made me smirk every time.

Gosh, I love Wind Waker so much. When I was 16 I saved up to buy a used Gamecube and a bunch of games, and Wind Waker was one of the first. Before that I had only really ever played Gameboy and was very much not into gaming in general, but playing around in that world was one of the most immersive and enjoyable


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Reggie is so perfect on CBB :(

I just wanna say that I really loved Transparent and I cannot wait for next season. It's such a delicate show, reminds me almost of another one of my favorite shows Enlightened. Soloway did very fine work, she deserves the praise she's getting.