Lilly Wolf

The short version is that you should never respond to a story about rape with a deconstruction of the victim's choices. It erases the culpability of the actual rapist and, more importantly, doesn't actually work to prevent rape. Every piece of "advice" designed to "teach[ women] to take measures to protect

You must not know what words mean, if you need clarification. This is victim blaming on its face. A woman writes a story about how she was raped when a man forced his way into her house, and this person comments that you shouldn't answer the door if you can't identify the person at the door. His entire comment is

Thank you for your helpful advice on how to avoid being raped by not being raped, on how to seek justice following your rape by hoping for justice, and on how to cope with being raped by not making other people feel bad that you've been raped. Every man should instruct his women thusly.

Takeaways from your comment: (1) You are repulsive.

For anyone who still doesn't understand the term, this comment is a perfect example of victim blaming.

For an organization whose bread and butter is ridiculing established media (often justifiably so), you guys sure are thin skinned.

No. I will not shut up. There's a difference between writing a good headline and the "Most amazing story you'll see all day!" garbage HuffPo (and Gawker sometimes) is known for. That is the fucking worst.

Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.

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Yeah, but just to be sure we're clear...White dudes get a LOT more room to be self-promoting blowhards.

"I dislike Kanye West because he is a middle-class suburbanite pretending he is from the streets. "

A brother can't get credit for shit around here.

Idk, maybe the whole salutatorian of his high school class thing. Stanford doesn't hurt.

The Kanye is not a talented musician always comes back to "I don't personally like him therefore the large swaths of society who regard him as a musical genius are incorrect." Most people don't like classical music yet not many would ever diminish their talents the way people do when Kanye is brought up.

I've been an African American my entire life and I've never seen one of these race cards. Where are they issued? How much do they cost? Do all minorities get them or is "race card" an insult you reserve for just us?

Raise your hand if you think this article or one like it should obviously have been written and any self-referential "I saw this coming" bullshit is irrelevant and counterproductive. Duh, black guy gets called "nigger" by like half the civilized world, of course the black writer on perhaps the premiere online sports

I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think people calling Sherman nigger and monkey is about race.

So.... He's black and arrogant, but not talented? Got it.

That interview was awesome. If you disagree, you should take a long look at how boring your existence is.

The irony is that you're literally the only commenter who's said this in these comments.

But yes, tell us more about how annoying it is when feminists.