Lilly Wolf

okay thanks for stopping by

I just want to highlight this passage for anyone who skims or just jumps to the comments. Because truer words.

I’m sure your body is the most beautiful body in all of bodyville.

She’s beautiful.

Most people here seem to disagree with you.

Anyone who claims to not see the evil being brought out by Donald Trump is either willfully blind or deeply invested in that same evil.

So, I know the eye-rolling for some people is going to start. But let me just say: This was not the time or place for this sort of thing. There could potentially be a time and a place for this sort of thing, but it’s NOT at an event associated with professional endeavors, even in the gaming industry. It’s not okay.

Go with your first thought.
You’re missing something.

I think you are totally right about why people who don’t see themselves as racists are so quick to shout “ALL” when they hear the word “Black”. It is a knee-jerk reaction to something they feel excludes them as victims or targets them as perpetrators. If the movement was called

Keeping in mind that Black males constitute about 7% of the U.S. population and white males constitute about 30% of the U.S. population:

Sure, if black people refrained from advocating for an end to racial injustice, racist white people would resist less. What’s your point?


No one is saying you have to feel guilty. No one is saying that civil rights haven't come really far. But systemic racism still exists in this country, and denying that is extremely idiotic.

I’d say crossing out a plea for racial justice and substituting your own take is a racist act.

To the average everyday white person who doesn’t consider themselves racist or superior in any way (everyone is racist to some degree but few people understand or accept that) they see the message as Only Black Lives Matter or maybe Black Lives Matter More.

Unless you work at Facebook and have been busy with a magic marker, no one is accusing you of anything. I’m confused about how you’ve reached any other conclusion. As a fellow white, anglo male, I don’t take anything about this piece personally.

“I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the

Hi. I’m a white, Anglo-Saxon descended, male who’s family has been here since at least the late 18th century. I’m real white, is what I’m saying. I’m not guilty of anything, nor do I feel I should be.

You’re not. That said, its categorically more advantageous to *not* be a minority. Instead you should feel guilty if you muffle the voices of the disadvantaged in an unfair way, i.e. without genuinely considering their views, their position and their experiences.

You’re not — turn down the persecution complex, dweeb.