Lilly Wolf

okay thanks for stopping by

I just want to highlight this passage for anyone who skims or just jumps to the comments. Because truer words.

I’m sure your body is the most beautiful body in all of bodyville.

She’s beautiful.

Most people here seem to disagree with you.

So, I know the eye-rolling for some people is going to start. But let me just say: This was not the time or place for this sort of thing. There could potentially be a time and a place for this sort of thing, but it’s NOT at an event associated with professional endeavors, even in the gaming industry. It’s not okay.

Go with your first thought.
You’re missing something.

Not passive aggressive. Aggressive.

Why can’t men accept impotence as what it so very clearly is? God’s will for them.

No worries: Some shitforbrains is already in with ‘nobody put a gun to his head/he knew the risks’ tomfuckery. Yes: I’m sure as an eleven-year-old boy in 1999, Tyler performed a thorough risk/reward assessment on post-NFL CTE-induced physical and psychological impairment.


I’m just impressed you understood his comment enough to respond. I’m still trying to figure out which parts are autocorrect and which parts are the failures of our education system.

Remind me to introduce you to the concept of a joke sometime.

Haha! What a dick.

Fascist agents of the dystopian corporate police state: They’re just like us!

Wow, tell us more

There needs to be an on-going segment here called, “Meanwhile, In Canada....” that helps us to keep things in perspective.

“Most of the respondents were young, white married men who are worried that the presence of women in their small teams could create complications in their home life, sexual harassment or affairs. They believe the risk could affect the family-like trust of the group.”

Old white men yell at things.

Did he say it was a legal obligation? Chill the fuck out you spaz.