
hes supposed to have started wars, its strange

yeah i know one of the writers is gay but it still feels if not homophobic then disingenuous? i dont know but it feels bad as a queer viewer

"It would be nice for a finale that comes closer to the lovely character studies and perfect little mysteries that made Sherlock so special in the first place"
oh god I'm maybe disproportionately sad about this tv show jumping the shark. It's even worse watching the old eps, I was watching hounds the other day (not

The first series are so good. I just don't understand what happened. I'm gutted. It sucked so badly.

On a completely unrelated note but would u recommend watching BG? Or maybe giving it up at a certain point? I love scifi and have been meaning to watch it for a while but don't know if it's worth it

Their delivery's are mostly so good

how is Ratatouille maginifcent?

Please watch Lost! Youll love it ( and hate it) its soo good

Riiight so I should just be ok with pretty much the only lesbian in every show getting killed? When is it ok for LGBT viewers to be critical of representation? Only when the character isnt on a relationship? Is it wrong for me to wanna see f/f relationships on tv? Regardless of wether "rabid shippers" ate

I don't know why I'm watching this show anymore. It's gone to shit so fast. In another website a guy was praising the show bc he always watches it with one hand down his pants, Im guessing he loved this episode. Maybe Im just not the target audience anymore (?)

I feel like Theo also likes Lip in a sexy way maybe

Sammy isn't dead right? which is good for poor Chuckie, I think killing her would be too far..Did no one else see the clip in the credits where she was screaming inside the crate??
The finale is gonna be explosive :P

lol you are prob right honestly

This show somehow keeps getting more hilarious and more tragic everytime

but wanting to drink still makes you act like an asshole. He was nicer when he got sober in the early seasons

It was still kinda hot though

Yeah I thought the same

"we haven't really seen anything on-screen to explain why either of them should be behaving the way they are"
What about pretty much everything we've seen? Monica, Frank, etc, etc. Also It's in teenagers nature to rebel against parents or parents figures

Tatiana Maslany needs a fucking award or twenty