Mamunia 2.0

I bet she could get fifty grand to name the kid after Mary!

“Oh, Miss...”

Take the money, split it with the Good Sister and figure out how much you can get for your firstborn. Or at least how much you can get to name Bad Sister the godmother. Buy a spinning wheel.

That is bittersweet yet lovely. The morning after my grandfather’s funeral, I was lucky enough to have an early breakfast alone with my beloved grandmother. I was able to hug her and tell her I loved her before beginning my long drive home. On my way home, I got a call from my mom that Grandma had suffered a brain

I don’t know. But if it were a competition, I feel like getting two rare conditions during your pregnancy that lead you to be miserable most days should win me a medal. I wanted to be like, “I’ve had the most pregnancy pregnancy ever fuck off”.

It’s two guys from a completely different part of our agency. Everyone in my dept (including my much older, childfree boss) who is male has been nice to me. Some of the women have actually been FAR worse than these asshats since they loooooooved their babies and would have just eaten ginger and never taken meds. As if

ZOMG. I second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth all the commenters who are basically saying these assholes don’t get to say shit to you until they push and 8-lb human through a 4-inch hole between their dicks and their assholes...after 40 weeks of what you’ve been going through. How do these fucksticks not get that

I am having secondhand rage for you.

I can’t even follow nor make the remotest bit of sense out of that word slop. But I know none of its meaning is good.

“deeply saddened” means “annoyed you’re stirring up shit and now we have to do damage control”

It’s all fun and games until you need to take a dump

This is certainly true but, no matter where you work, and especially when you work with the public, one should treat every customer respectfully. I’m not asking for every Safeway employee to have a smile on their face (remember when that was actually a policy?!) but at least keep the rolling eyes, muttering under

sucks to your asmr.

Well, you’re analogy is bad because as it stands now the US isn’t being lead by a tyrannical dictator intent on committing genocide against his own people just because he can. The choice for Syrian men isn’t fight for your country or flee; the choice here is get conscripted by a crazy person who’s likely actively

I should think there’d be more sympathy from people whose grandparents did whatever it took to escape the old country. Because it’s the same thing, new decade.

This is tangential I suppose, but I appreciate that you mentioned that many men are fleeing conscription and/or going ahead on the dangerous journey of a refugee with the intention of bringing their brides/families once they are safely established somewhere else. Apparently these valid reasons for Syrian men to be