*signs up for farmersonly.com*
*signs up for farmersonly.com*
Of course you’re right, but it also reminded me of The Comment Section for Every Article Ever Written About Intimate Grooming
Those signs were written in the bronian language. They actually translate into English to read as follows;
“Swearing or sex scenes don’t excite me because they don’t have emotional content.”
I didn’t want to watch until I saw the (R) next to her name and now that I did, good lord that was gross!
niall is the blond one: he’s from ireland, he consistently gives 0 fucks about anything, and is a delight who never gives me a heart attack. he plays guitar for them as well. like, during shows and on the records. he’s a talented guitarist.
You’re crazy. HR can be fantastic. I’ve saved and earned thousands of dollars more than I would have if it weren’t for the help of HR people who explained how our benefits, investment plans and healthcare options worked, and then helped me make the right decisions.
All sitcoms with laugh tracks are LAME. End of story.
Do you think when the cameras go off he explodes in fits of moody, cataclysmic depression? Do you think he sits around listening to Smiths' records, crying about the infinite futility of existence? Or maybe he just turns back into his real form—a pink, fluffy cloud made up of collective universal joy?
Hi, I'm Turbotastic and this is This Internet Life.
I heard she's a Repbulican too so, you know... no accounting for matters of the heart, or ballot box...
Still hot as balls. I don't see the problem...
I feel like everyone in this seemed like so much fun except for Kit Harrington. While he's very handsome, he kind of seemed like a drag in this.
There are no words for how overwhelmingly excited I am for this show to come back!