
Maybe they use the "write or die" software each week!

Maybe time travel is soooo complex that every time they think a rule is set it becomes false. That's how I get around the inconsistencies anyway! :)

they should do a montage of past lives and have her serving coffee in Egypt, french revolution, civil war, wild west, ww1 etc. Might help explain why out of all her many incarnations and professions this one seems to have made the most impression on her!

I would watch that in a heartbeat! You are right on the money!

Yes! A really intense single episode showing them working together and using their powers in a variety of ways would have been great. I am guessing they were undergoing training while they were gone because they worked so well together and under pressure (Yo Yo and Joey I mean).

Yes, my episode had May calling for help and then all of a sudden everyone is in parachutes and jumping out of the plane! Made no sense at all. Just cut a whole chunk of show out.

something weird happened with that on our station and they cut out the whole beginning. Went right to the team all assembled and Daisy jumping out of the plane, and we're in Canada….not even our election!

maybe he gets hold of a life model decoy? puts his memories/personality into it?

Giyera (sp?) must have more than telekinetic powers if he can bring a whole plane in for a landing into a hidden port without even looking out a window!

I thought this lifetime of Kendra and Carter was the first time one had been killed and the other lived. Didn't that get mentioned in a previous episode or am I just making that up as I go along?! :)

Why is Lincoln allowed to walk around with an artifact that can bestow powers? Isn't that a bit dangerous? I missed where that came from.

But was he dangerous and paranoid because of the void from not fulfilling his destiny and having his birthright/powers? Was he not hiding from inhumans after being kicked out by Daisy's mom? If so, how did Lincoln know where he was? If he had studied her hidden archives and learned about Hive and the dangers of the

They were studying swarming things and how to combat them such as the starling birds. If Hive's parasitic parts swarm onto a person in the same manner maybe the Mosanto type company's intervention will play a part in his defeat. Also, just thinking about the necklace in space….maybe it got torn off of someone's neck

If it weren't a comic book show they could have just shot him with an icer after May finished him. Also, as stated above, why not sedate/tranquilize him once they had him on the stretcher?

Pulling you up by the bootstraps could take on a whole new meaning here! Zippers could be pretty lethal too, lol!

Yes, when he was talking to Daisy I honestly thought he was going to be okay and was wondering why they just laid there chatting and didn't get the hell up and out of danger from the rest of Hive/Hydra/helicopter etc. as they were really easy targets. Also wondered why the Fitzsimmon's hand holding seen existed. They

Were the inhumans not created by the Kree to be soldiers and they just mixed DNA around randomly to come up with odd changes/powers? If that is the case then it would have nothing to do with the needs of humanity. That almost sounds like the formation of a religious belief/system around the idea of inhumans ie it all

Yes, why was it okay to hit/strike the practicing "red shirt" nameless agents in the rehersal but not our own team players? And why couldn't those agents come along to help. The other thing that bothered me was that Daisy WOULD be dead if Malick had struck her that hard in the head that many times. She would have

I agree, the changes in point of view from Daisy's perspective was troubling as was her "remote" visions of FitzSimmon's and Lincoln. They seemed like devices to pad out the story that were just added in as a convenience.

Is it finite? Would the fish that aren't caught right away and made into fish oil pass it on in their eggs and subsequent offspring? These fish reproducing and so on. What about people eating the fish or fish eating the fish and populating the food chain?