
I thought that the conversation implied that Daisy wasn't up to their level. Mac and Fitz both went to the Shield academy and Daisy didn't. They would have learned about the history of Agent Carter and studied all of the discoveries around Starktech. Daisy took the abbreviated course so is missing a sense of history,

It also seems that there is a fairly big age difference between them if Mack tried to to sell Ruben as a baby at the side of the road! My big brother is ten years older than me and although I worshipped him as a kid and he tolerated me and the family love was there we didn't move in the same circles at all.

I thought the brother was going to check out the meeting and that Mack had given him a false accident location to have an excuse to leave. Ruben wouldn't have to worry about driving up in a noisy way if he was attending the meeting, he and Mack were surprised to see each other there. Maybe I read it wrong though…

I agree with you on Mac. Just because someone is big doesn't mean they are violent natured. As he says, I'm a mechanic, I hate this stuff. He just does it because of the situation he's been thrown into since Shield fell apart after Winter Soldier. I like his evolution on the show and am glad he isn't a fighter on

Agent May and Phil Coulson must also be well known in the intelligence community and Malick is well aware that Coulson is the head of SHIELD. These folks are spies, they could just go back to work undercover as always.

Docs write "stat" in orders because it makes a difference in how we process them, but if something really needs to be stat in live time…we generally get the picture! Where I work is definitely not like the soap opera hook uppy places on tv at all - but we do have tight friendships and REALLY strange senses of humor!

I thought when they arrived at the other ship Rip told Stein he had to stay behind because it would be dangerous for them to merge? I could have misheard that, I had just finished a 12 hour shift but couldn't resist watching. Also, just an aside, as a nurse I have to say Kendra's CPR was not very good. Guess they

Just thought of this….If they had just taken that ship, where was their ship? Pirates, time or otherwise have to board your ship from someplace don't they? And yes, I would love to see that kind of time-pirate decorated ship with cool space cannons and skull and crossbones painted on the side….maybe even a foul

Totally agree with this! When he kept going on about the mustard I was getting really annoyed!

Did anyone else think the person who shot Jack Thompson was a female? Despite the suit the body frame seemed lighter and the shiny patent shoes almost looked clown like big to me for the person's body. Dottie maybe??

also, if the timeline wasn`t definite and didn`t happen wouldn`t the tech they stole from the warehouse to fix the ship disappear into the ether also

I wouldn't mind even the strangest or silliest explanation of time travel and its rules if they would just choose one and stick with it. Keep the same set of rules no matter the situation and they will become the rules we accept for this show. It becomes annoying when they just change everything to suit the needs of

I thought at least an acknowledgement of his importance to her past like that of her dead brother would have been appropriate. Even if you have moved on from a loss they are always in your heart. It could have been a little vase on the table full of tiny American flags or his shield propped up against a wall,- just a

Not english per se. I think she got the gist of things by watching expressions and the rhythm of conversation. When she was watching tv in english she would ask my husband and his brother what the characters were saying and they would make up all kinds of bad things! I think we formed a hybrid language where certain

I agree. If it was her subconscious even a slight nod to acknowledge his impact on her would have been natural. A shadowy outline of a figure or even his shield standing up against a wall would have got the message across. You don't just forget about the love of your life like that!

Also when she called Peggy "Evil Eye" in italian! That made my husband laugh out loud.(He is italian). Also his nona never spoke a word of english and waved a mean wooden spoon around the kitchen and was NOT above whacking you with it if you did something wrong!

Yes, cliffhangers and serialized shows usually end with a character in peril and a

That would be hilarious!

I thought he grabbed it off of another prisoner? Plus it was a bit odd that he was allowed to keep it in his cell.

We wore them to supposedly look more authoritative in the workplace as women were becoming more prominent in business and women's lib was in full swing. I remember lots of two piece suits with thick padded shoulders. We probably mostly wore them because someone someplace declared them in fashion, much like mini