
I like the show and look forward to it every week. No it isn't perfect, but for one hour (ish) I am entertained and have a few laughs. I remember watching Dr.Who in England when I was a kid (Jon Pertwee was the Dr.) and sitting down with the same sense of fun. When I look back at the effects and sets in those episodes


But in fairness, Snart popped his atom suit into Ray\s pocket so he knew he could get out on his own with no problems.

I want to watch YOUR episodes! They sound great!! :)

Except for the part where Phil didn't tell her about TAHITI(I mean before he was mind swiped) and she didn't tell him about TAHITI and the plans to keep an eye on him and possibly put him down. Oh and he didn't tell her about his going crazy and ….. I guess spies have their secrets!.

I don't quite see that Ward's death would be considered murder or cold blood. First of all he was an enemy to the organization and had been targeted for death. Whoever killed him wouldn't be an issue. On the blue planet he was fighting with Coulson and Ward fights to the death so you either kill him or be killed. I

Realistically he should have seen his first great love the cellist in his dream. I don't think he know Ros long enough even if he did care for her, for her to have that kind of impact as opposed to a long time love.

I thought so too, but how was there enough time for Sluggo to leave Will, get over to Deadward then get back over to the portal and join Coulson and Fitz through the looking glass. Also if Daisy fainted wouldn't the portal have closed as she was holding it open?

I love the show and Coulson but if you look at all his past actions they have often led to disastrous results. The destruction of the underground city and release of the terrigin into the food chain would not have happened, nor would Daisy's mother have started an almost war against the humans. The search for the

What body was "it" in when it was stalking Jemma and killed Will? Why would it leave that one to enter Will's injured body? Also, that ipad/laptop Fitz was carrying on the planet sure took alot of punishment and kept on working! Knocked out of his hands by Ward and going through the sandstorms and still found the

Also, is the budget for props so low that they have to use a water stained dining room table in Ros' otherwise perfect/pristine apartment?

I agree. Ros' character was pretty harsh (rightly so) towards Coulson after his locked room/tell me what you know or you will never leave bit last episode. Forgive and forget?

Aren't families in general dysfunctional? As time goes by and you have different life experiences you see your siblings/parents in different ways. Jemma's initial reaction to inhumans was not pleasant and maybe Daisy hasn't quite forgotten that. Coulson is busy saving the world and May is busy losing her husband so

Yes, I agree. I love the show but while the fast pace and action keep things rolling I notice I feel less emotionally involved with the characters.
If each difficulty/tragedy is wrapped up neatly in a box after 1-2 episodes to me it doesn't seem real. I think life is messier than that, especially the lives of spies

In a way I thought it would have been neat to have Ward be Lash.He could have killed those not worthy (to work for his cause that is) and recruited those he deemed worthy for Hydra.He has the right lack of moral compass and cold bloodedness to have done it.

I think the book was rigged to prevent non inhumans from looking at it because it contained the contaminated with diviner crystals such as the ones that killed Tripp. It was just coincidence and bad luck for Andrew that he was carrying inhuman DNA. I don't think exposure to a specific crystal gives you specific powers

Could they be interested in Coulson because of his alien Kree revival?

Could it be that Andrew/Lash did not turn with the fish oil dump? He may have been an inhuman all along. In the Cavalry episode I think it stated that Andrew left May after she killed the two inhumans and refused to explain. Maybe with the new influx of inhumans a la fish oil Mr.Lash does not approve of the nouveau

Didn't Skye hand Ward the back up she made of the hard drive? If he still has it then all that information will be headed for Hydra!