
“noodle-armed Kennedy lovers"

I'm gonna go with yeah, but also you do you.

Thank you for this.

No, but the ants would.

While I absolutely agree with the criticism that Sanders has an unfortunate habit of dodging around race and race issues, I think this is less because of his whiteness (although it’s totally because of his whiteness) and more because he’s a socialist. As a socialist (drawing from older ideas of Marxism and communism)

Shit. It just hit me that as many of these stories as keep happening now, once the midterms roll around, these bigoted shits are gonna see it as their godgiven duty to call the cops on every POC they come across trying to vote.


Yes, black people should be able to defend themselves against ALL white people, because ANY white person might kill them in a situation like this.

This is the whitest thing I've seen all day, and I say this as a white person, drinking out of a mason jar, listening to Lily Allen.

I went ahead and tried it with my autocorrect and all I got was "triggering," which pretty accurately describes this story

That's 100% a generational thing, people these days online stalk each other all the time


This is amazing. Can I use it?