Lil' King Trashmouth

I hear ya, but let's not forget RTD also introduced daleks with bodies that looked incredibly phallic and spoke with really questionable New York accents.

I think when they started getting into these larger story arcs the 3-episode structure became a hinderance. Imagine it if had a more typical 8-10 episodes. The exposition of Eurus could have been given out over time instead of in a lump sum. Redbeard could have been figured out over several episodes of Sherlock

My sister-in-law and brother recently had twins. They knew there was a good chance that they'd have twins and they love their little girls beyond woods. But — it's really, really hard. One baby wakes up at certain times in the night. The other wakes up at different times. They don't necessarily need or want to be fed

Time moves pretty slow. At some point I think it was remarked that all of season 1 was like 3 weeks time. So I think Tagomi hasn't really been gone very long to be noticeable beyond missing a few days of work.

He's lied before. He said in no uncertain terms that the Master would not be back on Doctor Who and then Missy showed up. I'm inclined to believe she is dead, but I don't think Moffat's truthfulness is a basis for that.

I kind of suspect it was also driven by Amanda Abbington and Martin Freeman's real life split. Though amicable, I doubt they want to play husband and wife on a tv series. Yes, it was used as a plot device, but may not have been the direction they went without that impetus.

As soon as I heard Martin Freeman and Amanda Abbington had split in real life, I suspected Mary wasn't long for this world. I know people are concerned about this being the last series, but I think it's time, tbh.

I really, really hope they take Joe down a darker path. It would be far more interesting to me than a hero. Also I would watch a show that was just Kido and Smith.

I also believe she signed for all previous 7 years at once. I think the reason it was initially different is probably due to that, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be remedied given her status as the show star and the fact that her character tends to be more central to storylines than his character.

If Denis O'Hare sticks around, I think we'll get some more Acting with a capital A, but I'm okay with that. The biggest reason that I think Toby will not die is because we are still presumably building to William dying, something that can't be prolonged forever. Toby almost dying and not dying may help Kate to gain

I'm a little intrigued by the playwright potential assuming it doesn't just because a foil for ultimately putting him with Olivia. Kevin needs someone who will be more straight with him and tell him when he's messing up and take issue with some of the ways he behaves without also being a spoiled brat.

I actually thought this might be the first time Kate started to venture away from being about "weight only." Yes, there's more work to be done there, but touching on the fact that there might well be larger issues at a play (something that may stem from issues with Rebecca or something else that has happened) does

He also says that he owns not only this world, but others to Teddy (I'm paraphrasing a little). It would follow that if he's William, Logan's family did buy the company and own Westworld and the other parks. It could also mean that Logan is the board member causing trouble. There are definite continuity issues, but I

MIB = William seems more and more likely. I know there were issues during filming for Westworld and I wonder if some of the continuity issues relate to that.

Princess Margaret was very popular and I believe frequently a source of trouble for the royals. Don't want to "spoil the show" with historical facts lol, but definitely google her.

Prince Philip as a character is not going to be able to function without regularly referencing the fact that the /real/ Prince Philip has a pretty big tendency to say casually racist things that don't necessarily come with maliciousness, but certainly don't highlight the forward thinking attitude he attempts to have

One-offs can lead to repetition and filler. I'd rather have a succinct show that is high quality than a bunch of filler. If they didn't take these weeks off, the new season would be over even sooner so at least you'll have something to look forward to.

Randall's last scene where he said he couldn't learn piano from William, but would be learning from the lady down the street was great as was his wife's small mid-life crisis comment.

I've seen Ginger's cabaret act and I think that's where she thrives. She seemed a little burned out with Drag Race.

Some things may play differently in person as well. The caricature qualities of Joan Crawford in person without editing might have been different than it played on television. Same with some of the Tammy Faye stuff. They cut pretty quickly through the crying jag where it might have played out longer in person.