Lil' King Trashmouth

Best line of the night: "Insert shady rattlesnake noise here" followed by Bob impersonating that sound they always play.

Fans need to be savvy enough to recognize when a decision is made because an actor is leaving. Yes, killing Lexa falls into an uncomfortable trope, but it is also is very clearly motivated by the fact that the actress could not continue with the show. You have to recognize the real world outside forces in these

Given that the vast majority of obsessive Gravity Falls fans are adults, he probably figures that's a good bet.

The request that Halbach take the pictures could mean plenty of innocent things: 1) how many auto trader photographers were there in the area? 2) Had other photographers taken photographs that were less professional (i.e. did the ones Halbach take sell better?)? 3) How uncommon was this?

The contact information they allege he gave was his sister's who also has a stake in the business. That's not really a disguise. To me a disguise would be luring her to a different address.

I don't know if I'm 100% convinced that he was innocent, but I think there was a good amount of reasonable doubt.

He likely made bad choices that resulted in him contracting the virus if that's true. People who are intoxicated and have substance abuse problems are more likely to make risky sex choices. As easy as it could be to make some joke about that, it just makes him human. Let's hope he can turn this into something positive

You seem to be missing the fact that distribution for this film is TV, VOD and streaming. The bottomline is that the majority of people who watch this film will do so on computer monitors. HBO knew this going on. If it looks like crap on a monitor then the resources were wasted trying to make it look good for a venue

Based in no actual spoilers, I imagine Missy is scheming with the Daleks based on where that left off. She comes across Ashildr and she's like Oh, I could so use this.

I really enjoyed this episode. I think one thing I'm most happy about is the prospect that the Doctor isn't somehow the hybrid. I do wish she could just be a sassy, fun immortal who isn't evil that could show up from time to time. More Jack less Missy, but a part of me wonders if she won't hook up with Missy down the

But that's not how time travel works on Doctor Who exactly. Yes, he's a fixed point. They met Orson in a timeline. That happened. Clara got that from Orson in a timeline where he existed and gave it to the Doctor. That will always happen even if Danny's death negates Orson's life at a later point. Whatever happened

I think it depends on whether we think Orson still exists. You /can/ change the future. Arguably he came from a timeline where Danny didn't die. So it could be that he doesn't exist any longer because Danny died and she didn't have children with him. I'm not opposed to her being pregnant, I just think that it seems

I wonder (and it might be wishful thinking on my part) if the invincible Doctor thing isn't part of setting him up for a fall. It's a little similar to 10's "Doctor Victorious" thing he had going for a time. The Doctor keeps being very "I'm going to change history", "I'm not going to die today." We know Jenna Coleman

I liked Bobo's line about not realizing he and Fozzie were both bears and not having noticed. I'm still waiting to see if it hits its stride, but each episode has had a few moments that really make me laugh which is more than I can say for other things available that night.

I didn't even realize this had started. I honestly think I'd enjoy the show more if it was just Ichabod complaining about random stuff. Those are the best parts. They should get rid of the Horseman. He's run his course. Sleepy Hollow can just be a creepy place where creepy things happen without him.

They don't really win for the season. They get to submit two episodes. Game of Thrones submitted Hardhome and Mother's Mercy. While the season wasn't the best, those two were arguably excellent episodes that combined scope, action and memorable performances. When put in that context, I get it a bit more. Mad Men, I

That does make sense. I didn't think about that.

Some of these I really get. Some of them seem like a stretch. Do I not remember some verse to Dancing in the Streets that talks about mass murder? I'm not being sarcastic - was it too cheerful? Or too pro-other countries?

It's the students' right not to read the book. If there is a test involved then the school should fail him if that's the grade he earns. He has to read the book. Not re-enact it.

He very clearly said he won't be back next season. I wonder if they're going to pull him for a year. It doesn't mean he'll never be back. At the same time, though, Davos and Melisandre are at Castle Black. If not to do something about Jon then why?