
I’m pretty sure it’s not an engine, but undoubtedly a piece of Megatron. Remember when they dumped him in the ocean in the documentary Transformers?

That was incredible.

This is a list of ten cars.

2004 Volkswagen Passat W8 Wagon 6-speed Sport AWD low miles - $9999

250hp 5 speed manual legacy gt wagon (1 of 1200 with manual) for $4700 Canadian.

Legacy GT wagon. This fit all of my stuff and made multiple cross country runs from NY to school out west. Stage II can be done for less than $1000. Cheaper insurance than a WRX with the same get up and go.

Low center of gravity, rear weight bias, as much weight as possible, and graphite powder the heck out of the axles. Also, polish the axles to a mirror finish and smooth out the wheel hubs to reduce friction as much as possible.

I have a WRX and I think it's just super, does that count?

I love what he is doing for automotive engineering. As soon as I learned about his pneumatic cam-less engine, I was hooked.

The worst one I ever saw (I worked at an aftermarket Euro-centric shop for three years) was an exploded transfer case. The owner must have switched their Jeep Grand Cherokee out of 2H and driven it for a while.

I love armchair debates like this. I couldn't care less what badge is on the car when I consider a vehicle. Buick, Toyota, Ford, Honda, etc... It doesn't matter. Drive them all! Preferably side by side and then pass your judgement. Cars are designed to be driven! Forget useless back and forth banter about one

/takes pictures

Thank you, I was waiting for someone to notice it! I need this car.

To be the ultimate 90's vehicle, it would have to:

The entire Geo lineup existed for the 90s.