
I’ll probably catch hell for “not reading the article” (full disclosure: I read the whole article).

2005 Legacy GT owner here - can confirm bankruptcy statement.

Does anybody think his looks like some university’s supermileage car? It looks a little large to be one, but that was my first guess.

There’s a 2000 Tuscan convertible for sale in Montreal!! I didn’t know they could be imported... This. Changes. EVERYTHING.

Now playing

Beetle Adventure Racing! I remember finding this game really challenging but rewarding with its incremental performance upgrades, the further you made it into the game. With lots of tracks and toooons of surprisingly varied secret passages, I think it’s one of N64's better racing games.

You’d have to swap the crank from the later engine. Soooo at that point you’d be better off just swapping engines!

Model years 1990 to mid-1991 had what is called the short-nose crank . The crank pulley bolt and keyway were enlarged/lengthened part way through the ‘91 model.

Fantastic quiz! I bombed it so hard and the ones I did answer correctly (3) were pure guesses.

To me (and likely most Jalops) the obvious answer is Miata. However, this being the summer of my 10-year reunion, I’ve actually started to wonder if the Miata really is the best car to bring.

I had a very nice car chat (chart?) with a trucker a couple months ago. While on the highway at night, I had just indicated and pulled out to pass the 18-wheeler when I caught a glimpse, through the gap between his cab and trailer, of a merging car. Thanks to the powers of perception and a cursory understanding of the

I was torn between buying a Mazdaspeed6 or a Legacy GT wagon. The reliability woes scared me, so I went with the latter. Otherwise I would have favoured it. Legacy GTs can have their issues and mine sure ain't an exception, but it's preeetty darn fun.

This is cool, but part of this swap bothers me. I can appreciate the LS swap into Miatas and Volvos. They're fairly common while still being silly/cool enough to be special. They've been done enough for an enthusiast community to exist and that's a nice thing. But the super custom builds, like the one you posted...

That is kinda insane. I've never heard of anyone doing a swap like that. If Mighty Car Mods has taught us anything, it's that all Subaru parts fits all Subarus - for instance the H-6 swap. Although maybe that's too obvious! An LS swap is a very jalop thing to do...

I'm so glad you asked! I designed and built it myself and am very proud. It's quite simple in its construction and it bolts into the existing holes in the seatbelt towers. The design is inspired by the '94-'97 seatbelt tower brace but improved with addition of two quick release mounts. I then made a rear wheel tray

Except that I did. And I did so today. For $5500. (I bought the Miata for $3k.) I agree with you that it seems low for a clean, reliable Legacy, but you have to take my word that this car is clean. As for reliability, time will tell, but this came with a history of work and a clean title. Honestly, it feels tight as a

This blew my mind when I first saw it.

I see your Miata but respectfully raise you a Legacy GT wagon for your W126. Because turbo all wheel drive wagon. Although I do like the sound of a brown turbo diesel Merc ...