
This letter was reasonable in tone. Overreacting would be what I would have done: tracked down where they live and broken in and destroyed everything they owned. And left bedbugs for fun.

"I consider this something personal between Jim Kelly and I,"

My dad once was going to a party and had a big bowl full of fresh homemade ceviche in the backseat. He stopped short and it went all over the backseat and floor. HELLISH. He had to eventually sell the car. The smell never went away.

I understand your point. And I agree that juveniles should have a chance to repent and reform. But I do think I reacted badly to your post about (what I took you to mean) innocent teabagging. I happen to think placing testicles in someone's mouth without their consent is and should be criminally actionable. I go back

Just so you know, it's come out since (…), they raped a freshman with a broomstick so brutally that he bled from his anus. Everyone exists with a right not to have people's body parts or foreign objects inserted into them without their consent. No matter the age or intent, that

I covet your freezer: size, contents, and organization. Thanks!

The busier I am at work and the later I come home, the more I find I feed me and my husband like we are toddlers. I'm all about frozen vegetables, boxed rice concoctions, and frozen chicken thingies from the Target frozen food section. It's all I can do when I drag my carcass home at 8:30. It's shameful. I have these

Oooh. Idris Elba. He'd be the hottest James Bond since Connery.

I was going to post something along the same lines, but I had to clean all the drool off my keyboard first. Good God.

Your wife does good work. Bless her.

I don't know. My college boyfriend used to do those things just because he was stoned. If he had been trying to be sweet rather than trying to perfect deep fried nachos, I would have been way more forgiving.

Holy hell. I would have lost my mind if that had happened to me five days before my wedding. Congratulations on finding an alternative and having a lovely wedding. With a mascot on the dance floor. Awesome.

They are to die for. Especially when they get the bacon really crispy and the biscuit is all flaky. Drool.

I've tried the wine — essential. Haven't tried anchovy filets. Will do that next. We had the pesto last night — it was glorious. The pecorino gave it an awesome sharpness.

Oh, definitely. The instant I add any sort of pork product to the sauce (sausage, ground pork, pancetta, etc.) the sauce is awesome. But, there's an Italian place near where I live that has red sauce that I would happily drink whole glasses of — I'm trying to make that. I don't know how they do that with just tomatoes

I can't wait for that. Not the treacly weepiness and sadness, but the red sauce article. I've been using and altering the usual — onion, garlic, tomatoes, salt, pinch of sugar - for years and can't get it the next level. I don't know what it's missing. It's . . . something. I feel like it may be anchovy paste. So

Thank you so much! I will do the bay leaves and find a weekend to do the big clean. I also read that they love to get into the cracks between the wall and the floor and lie in wait.

Jolie — I have a closet moth issue — any advice on how to get rid of those suckers? All of my sweaters have little holes and I dread emptying out the whole closet. That is where I throw shit I don't want to deal with.

I was scanning and read it as Riley Cooper is Black. I thought, "shit. Now there's a twist."