
The point of an engagement party is to announce the engagement. It used to be one threw a party and then announced the engagement rather than throwing an "engagement party." At ours, my friends brought bottles of wine, etc. There was zero expectation for gifts and I was embarrassed people felt they needed to. There is

I just got a form thank you from a wedding I went to in May. It was a pre-printed card that generically thanked everyone for their presence and their "generosity." I was SO BITTER. I slaved over my thank you notes and tried to make them very personal. I almost called this woman's mother (she's a relative) to complain.

All of our single friends who were invited without +1s spent all weekend trying to get it on with each other. It was hilarious and provided extra entertainment for the rest of us. My best friend from high school hooked up with my husband's much younger cousin. I've been calling her Mrs. Robinson ever since.

Chicken broth + noodles + bag of frozen veg = vegetable noodle soup. Can also use rice. Throw in some leftover chicken if you're feeling rich.

You obviously know nothing about the law. Are you even a lawyer? Adverse possession is part of property law and is NOT a crime. And Jones didn't own the stoop — why would he be worried about adverse possession? You might study up a bit before you comment. GOD.

"a woman who can flirt with a guy while she has a toilet seat stuck to her butt must have something going on, right?"

Oh, God. I died laughing at this. Thank you so much. I am going to use this all the time and pretend I made it up myself.

I was greatly troubled by that. No matter your position on abortion, I think we can all agree that a woman who feels coerced into an abortion should not be subject to the procedure. That said, I don't know who in this story I am the most appalled by. It's a tough choice.

If I may disagree with Burneko, just slightly here: if you prefer your scrambled egg curds small, go ahead and stir constantly. If you prefer larger-curd scrambled eggs, wait until they are more set before your stir, and stir them less often. Just keep the heat low. Annoyingly low. You will keep your eggs creamy and

I definitely knew Sally in college. I actually work with Sally now. When I told her I had a deep fear that after our cleaning people disappear from sight that they throw the recyclables in with the trash, she practically had a nervous breakdown. I just sat at my desk giggling.

I try to avoid engaging in these kids today are coddled wimp tirades as well. But I will say that our supply of men and women who could storm the beach at Normandy, go west in a covered wagon, or say, survive without cable and internet, is dwindling rapidly.

Albert —

"The saner thing to focus on isn't what she's going to do, but what you're going to do based on the idea that she's entitled to be the person she is."

Someone has to drop that bride an anonymous letter and tell her. That is bullshit that none of her other friends will tell her. She had her fiance and best friend betray her. She'll find out eventually and the memory of the wedding and the toasts will make her sick. Jesus. What kind of people pull this stuff?

Let me preface this by saying that I have never been in a car accident, and I consider myself to be a good driver. But I am a Boston driver. Those things may be mutually exclusive. My husband, about a year into dating, mentioned that my tailgating and generally aggressive driving made him fear for his life. After

If the grill is not an option, and it is not for cash reasons, I would suggest a Cuisinart Griddler. You can cook all sorts of stuff on it like chicken, fish, grilled veggies, etc. without the heat of the stove or oven. I use it often during the summer.

It has to be in furtherance of — which I would argue it was. Covering up the crime is party of the conspiracy, no? I would love to go research, because it would be way more fun than the crap I have on my plate this evening.

I was told by a Boston policeman (well-meaning and very nice) that I shouldn't get pepper spray because it most likely would be taken away from me and used against me. I told him that I would never think to use it in a situation where I was "merely" being mugged, or had a gun pulled on me. But I could be overpowered

You know, I hadn't thought about that — that he would have applied for a license in his hometown rather than through Boston. Good point. Does he have a record, though? I think he had some stuff on his record from Florida. That would have made it harder to get a license. And didn't he have unlicensed gun charges? So,

If they are all charged as co-conspirators, wouldn't their hearsay statements be admissible as evidence?