
Can we make 2020 the year we stop trying to make racists feel better about themselves at our expense. I have tremendous respect for Vivian Stringer but she didn’t need to say this. They expect us to forgive them and woe be to the one’s that don’t take the high road and do so. They will lecture you about how you need

Bloomberg should just run as the republican dictator he craves to be.

Kevin Hart is just a narcissist like most comedians. He doesn’t apologize, he just redirects blame and then gives himself credit without actually earning it. You shouldn’t have felt that way, you shouldn’t have looked up those tweets, you should be more positive.

Every time I’ve seen Hart in an interview, talk show, or YouTube clip, he’s 100% committed to being the loudest person in the room and being the center of attention. He talks over other guests and works to make it all about him. It’s not at all surprising that he considers a “friend” of 10 years nothing more than

To quote Moms Mabely, “you shouldn’t say anything about the dead unless it’s good. He’s dead. Good!”

The police say Franklin admitted to taking meth earlier in the day.

Did the Arbys employee use an ugly stick to subdue him?   Oh....  from Nebraska you say? Nevermind.....

The poster child for respectability politics and “uplift suasion” is calling someone else a “coon?”

I like K-Flay and “Blood in the Cut” if you want a song about bottoming....

Why ashy motherfuckers can't keep their trash mouths shut I don't know but I could have gone on about my life without having heard of this piece of shit. 

I don’t want to speak for every black woman but ya know what? We’re good. Patrick can continue not being in my thought process.

How do you think the Daily Mail is going to blame Meghan Markle for all of this ?

Keeping all of the worst physical and personality deformities limited to one gene pool.

I guess Andrew’s continued existence is proof all those Diana was killed on Philip’s orders conspiracies are false.

You did not commit a crime

I was literally headed into the comments to make a “Siouxsie Sioux looks rough” joke. This is a lot of look.

This Beetlejuice reboot looks like shit!

We Need to Talk About Kiev

for a follow-up question you could ask about their 2018 World Cup experience

Hugh Jackman and I feel bad about it because he seems like an incredibly nice guy. But he made that Greatest Showman film, the one that glorified P.T. Fucking Barnum and made him seem like some kind of Oskar Schindler for freaks. I hated that “This Is Me” song and I was glad it didn’t win an Oscar.