
I've got diaries dating back to the 1990's - could probably tell you where I went for night's out & stuff.

Yeah, the first thing that comes to mind as a Londoner is a Chaplin type vagrant, ‘The Little Tramp’ type thing. I think the first time remember hearing the American usage was on Dallas where, of course, Swellen was ‘a drunk, a tramp and an unfit mother’.

But a kid’s birthday party is held during the afternoon/early evening at the very least; not quite the same hours that a club is open. There’s more than enough time to do both plus pack the kids off to bed, not that I don’t think a Nanny would do that.

Another derivation is that knackers are a slang term for testicles so knackered = being tired after sex. That's why the word wasn't polite parlance for a long time.

It’s ‘crowning glory’, not 'crown and glory'.

1) Isn’t Melania Catholic? What was her excuse?

Surely it's Nickyanka?

When you're so desperate to make yourself look good that you end up making yourself look so so bad...

if anyone's interested, in my most bored days, I watched an episode a day of this and tweeted my thoughts. You can find them using the hashtag #previouslyonTheHills.

LVP gets a drubbing from the half of production that are in Kyle’s pocket every season. That her half have left is going to make things a lot less fun for her.

Redhead Kingpin had 'Do the right things' as well.

Most designers won't dress her/give her clothes so these are all her own shitty choices.

My Mum had some Italian friends that did this and this this was a decent idea. Did I binge drink w my peers? A little. Do I drink now drink to get drunk? Nope. So I suppose it partially worked.

It's because he's a bell-end with a faux camp shtik.

coming to this late and not having read the comments before posting but, Paul McCartney. Beatle Paul, I have no problems with. But from Wings 2 good songs since the 70's, ‘Jet’ and ‘Helen Wheels’ (Live and Let Die is awful, don’t @ me).

I’ll paraphrase your post:

My theory was always that your appetites come back so it's either food or sex. Then, to counteract the food, you start in the gym and...voila!

Anne's children could've been titled but she turned it down.

The look on Virginia Madsen's face summed up my feelings about that trailer.